How is the weather today?


Read the description and guess what weather is
Gloudis Quiel Sánchez
FlashCards por Gloudis Quiel Sánchez, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Gloudis Quiel Sánchez
Criado por Gloudis Quiel Sánchez mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
There are clouds in the sky and drops of water crash on the roof: How weather is today?
Everything is clear, the are few clouds, today is a good day for picninc. How is the weather today?
Leaves fly in the air, is humid. How is the weather today?
The clouds hide the sun, but there are not drops of water. How is the weather today?
It is very cold, everybody wears jackets and gloves, all around is white. How is the weather today?


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