Morphemes Lessons 1-6


High School Mythology FlashCards sobre Morphemes Lessons 1-6, criado por Michelle Johanson em 06-10-2014.
Michelle Johanson
FlashCards por Michelle Johanson, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Michelle Johanson
Criado por Michelle Johanson mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
-anthrop man;mankind
bibl, biblio book
graph, gram write; draw; record
miso hate
phil love
phon sound
scop, skept look at; examine
a-, an- not; without
caco- bad; ill
eu- good
macro-, mega-, megalo- large
micro- small
sym-, syn with; together
tel-, tele far; distant
-ic makes noun or adjective
-mania a madness for
-maniac one who has a madness for
-phobia a fear of
-phobiac one who has a fear of
-y, -ia, -ism makes abstract noun
arch govern; rule
archae, paleo ancient
dem people
gen kind; race; origin
gon angle
gyn woman
log idea; word; speech; study
dia- through; across
en- in
epi- upon
hetero- various; unlike
homo-, tauto same
olig- few
pan-, pant-, panto- all
poly- many
-ist one who
-ology study of; science of
-ologist one who studies
-ous full of
centr, center center
chrom color
chron time
cycle circle
dyn, dynam power; force
geo earth
helio sun
meter, metr measure
theo god
bi- two; twice
cata- down; completely; against
di- two; twice
ec-, ex- out
iso- equal
mono- one
ortho- right; correct
peri- around
-latry worship
-mancy prophecy; prediction
batho depth
erg, urg work
gno, gnos know
haem, hem, em, aem blood
path feeling; disease
rrh, rhea, rheo gush; flow
stas, stat stop; stand
therap cure
anti- against
hemi- half
pro- before
arthr joint
cephal head
chir hand
cyt, cyte, cyto cell
dactyl finger; toe
derm, dermat skin
glot tongue; language
osteo bone
plasm, plast substance; form; shape
pod foot
tom cut
ton tune; stretch
hypo- under
pachy- thick
-algia pain
-itis inflammation
-machy, -machia war; fight
astr star
bio life
ethn nation
glyph carving
icon image; idol
lith stone
nom law; arrangement
onym, onoma name
petr rock
phys nature; growth
psych mind; soul; spirit
somat body
ana- up
ec- home
hier- sacred
neo- new
-clast one who shatters or destroys
-iatry, iatrics a healing
-ics makes noun
-lysis a loosening; solution


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