Patterns of Child Development and Play Flashcards For Revision!


These flashcards will help anyone revision UNIT 1 Of the BTEC National Child Development Course.
Olivia Klejn
FlashCards por Olivia Klejn, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Olivia Klejn
Criado por Olivia Klejn mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Key aspects of Childrens Growth are changes to.. physical size, the skeleton, muscles and brain!
What is the chart that childrens growth is plotted on called? Centile Chart
What is measured to monitor growth in children? Height, weight, and head circumference
The Definition of Child Development is.. The increasing acquisition of skills and knowledge gained by a child
Growth is determined by.. Heredity, hormones, nutrition, sleep, illness, and emotional influences
Development norms are called.. Milestones.
What does emotional development help children to do? Secure attachments
How do cognitive and language development combine? To help children express their thoughts
How many areas of development are there? Gross Motor Fine Motor Cognitive Communication and Language Emotional and social/behavioural
A child can complete a 12 piece puzzle once they are.. 3 years old
What is smallworld play? Smallworld play is play that includes little characters, houses, and towns, e.g, fisher price 'Little People'
What is heuristic play? Heuristic play is play in which the children explore new objects and discover a range of objects
What is Adult initiated play? Adult initiated play is play oppurtunities set up by adults for kids to discover
What age can a child run? 2 years
What's adult led play?


Calendário de estudos
Geografia- ENERGIA
Fatoração de Polinômios
Sara Helena
Química - Introdução
Carine Campos
O Segredo para uma Memória Ativa
Alice Sousa
Einstein Menezes
Sistema Cardiovascular: Artérias, Veias e Capilares
Natália Abitbol
Ana Loss
Diogo Alcantara
Contextualização da disciplina - Tecnologias na formação profissional - Saúde
Fabrícia Assunção
Citações para Redação - ENEM
Jayne Torres