Engineering Interview


Professional Engineering FlashCards sobre Engineering Interview, criado por Cristian Osvaldo Gómez em 04-07-2018.
Cristian Osvaldo Gómez
FlashCards por Cristian Osvaldo Gómez, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Cristian Osvaldo Gómez
Criado por Cristian Osvaldo Gómez mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
About yourself I am an electronic engineer, specialist in industrial automation. With skills such as team work, commitment, planning and organization.
Why did you choose this career ? I chose to be an electronic engineer because engineers are very important to society and an electronic engineer can work on many different types of projects. As an engineer, I can create solutions for multiple problems.
Strenght My greatest strength is commitment, I like to feel the objectives of the group or the organization as their own. (Discipline - Honesty - Team work)
Weakness My weakness would be my lack of experience, however to overcome this weakness I like to do different courses to reinforce my knowledge. (Lack of intiative)
Under pressure When I'm under pressure, I focus and get the job done. I manage stress with spirituality.
Why hire you? I can say that this job is very close to my dream job. I am young, with all the energy and motivation to learn and improve.
Yoyrself in 5 years I see myself in 5 year having opportunities to develop my skills, take on interesting projects and work with people that I can learn from.
B G 1960 - establishment of B. machinenebau. 2500 employees, 29 locations, 15 countries. B. Holding (Austria, USA, Colombia, China, India, Russia)
B C. Member of german Bruckner Group. Established at the beginning of 2010. With the aim of providing enhanced services.
B Services Clip and chain refurbishment service. Additional services such as software programming, implementation and support. Provide technologies and services for efficient BOPP film production.
BOPP Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene. Film types between 12 and 60 um, with widths up to 10.4 m and speed above 500 meters/min.
K Technologies In 2007 becomes a member. World leader when it come to design and manufacture of machines used to process plastic film materials.
K machine Thermorunner ktr 6 Automatic pressure forming machine KMD series, these equipment are fast, silent and reliable; in addition provide high performance, efficient production and profitability.
B Servtec The service company within the B G, provide the lifecycle support of the machinery world wide. (Spare parts)


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