English Socrates


Oliver Thomas Wo
FlashCards por Oliver Thomas Wo, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Oliver Thomas Wo
Criado por Oliver Thomas Wo quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What was the centre of Greece Athens
What did the people of athens want to master rhetoric
What are the sophists Masters of rhetoric
What did the sophists believe the natural philosophers where doing wasting their time
Who said this, (“Some norms are absolute and universally valid.”) Socrates
Who was Socrates main pupil Plato
Why did socrates have a pupil To write everything down, socrates never wrote anything down.
What was socrates interested in The art of intercourse (Asking questions)
What did Socrates help people do Create ideas and question thing (Become philosophers)
Was socrates a sophist No he was never paid like a sophist
What was socrates considdered A true philosopher, someone who values knowledge and recognizes something they don't know.
What happened to socrates in his life *Charged for corrupting youth charged with death. *Gave him chance to be exiled *Chose death because he believed in what he was doing *Made him drink hemlock, poisonous plant.


Princípios de Direito Processual do Trabalho
Anderson Lopes
Conhecimentos algébricos
Sem Parar
Sistema Respiratório
Funções Trigonométricas
Tabela Periódica
Fael Berranteiro
Empreendedorismo - Contextualização da disciplina - Gestão
Ana Roberta Andrade
Desafio dos sinais: do sinal ao significado - Aula 02
Emannuelle Araújo
Organização Básica da Marinha
Alan Amanthea
Art. 5° da CF-88 parte I
Rafael Ferreira da Silva