2.The Minister: What is a Minister's Role


FlashCards sobre 2.The Minister: What is a Minister's Role, criado por flippster17 em 15-07-2013.
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Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
As a shepherd/leader, a minister must have a ___________. workable plan
Ministers must develop ____________. spiritual respose patterns
Ministers need to recognize that there is a constant state of spiritual conflict for control of the ______. mind
Ministers must focus their faith on ________. Christ
In order to be spiritual, a minister must understand the contrast between the ____________ mind and the __________ mind. spiritual; sinful
The sinful mind is __________ to God. The Scripture reference Romans 8:7. hostile
The spiritual mind is ____________. The Scriptual reference Romans 12:2. transformed
As a shepard/leader, a minister has a sense of _________. Scriture reference Ephesians 6:10. purpose
As a shepard/leader, a minister must have a commitment to _________. prayer
As a shepard/leader, a minister must assume the stance of ____________. leadership
Jesus _________ people. educated
As a shepard/leader, a minister accents ministry___________. priorities
A ministry priority should build on the centrality of _________. worship
Preaching exist to __________people. influence
A sermon must be felt in the ___________ of the minister. heart and spirit


Plano de Estudos com Mapas Mentais
Alessandra S.
willian reis
Engenharia de Produção
Termos Técnicos Da Área Da Informática
Guilhermre Bertol
Primeira Lei de Mendel
Helio Fresta
vivi sousa
Lei nº 8.666/1993
Lavs Agah
Contextualização Aula 02 - Desenvolvimento e Sustentabilidade Ambiental - Medicina
Jéssica Meireles
Membrana plasmática
Maria Eduarda Saladine