1 - Computer Systems Review and Programming Logic


PLD FlashCards sobre 1 - Computer Systems Review and Programming Logic, criado por Geraldine Ruiz em 02-09-2018.
Geraldine Ruiz
FlashCards por Geraldine Ruiz, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Geraldine Ruiz
Criado por Geraldine Ruiz mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Combination of all the components required to process and store data using a computer. Computer System
The equipment, or the physical devices, associated with a computer. Hardware
Computer instructions that tell the hardware what to do. Software
Comprises all the programs you apply to a task, such as word processing programs, spreadsheets, payroll and inventory programs, and games. Application software
Comprises the programs that you use to manage your computer, including operating systems such as Windows, Linux, or UNIX for larger computers and Google Android and Apple iOS for smartphones. System software
Data items enter the computer system and are placed in memory, where they can be processed. Hardware devices that perform input operations include keyboards and mice. Input
Include all the text, numbers, and other raw material that are entered into and processed by a computer. Data items
May involve organizing or sorting them, checking them for accuracy, or performing calculations with them. Processing
Data items have been processed, the resulting information usually is sent to a printer, monitor, or some other output device so people can view, interpret, and use the results Output
Programming professionals often use the term ____ for input items, but use the term ___________ for data that has been processed and output Data, Information
Sometimes you place output on _______ _______, such as your hard drive, flash media, or a cloud-based device. Storage Devices
You write computer instructions in a computer ______ ________ such as Visual Basic, C#, C++, or Java Programming Languages
The instructions you write using a programming language. Program Code
Every programming language has rules governing its word usage and punctuation. These rules are called the language’s ______. Mistakes in a language’s usage are _____ _____. Syntax, Syntax Errors
When you write a program, you usually type its instructions using a keyboard. When you type program instructions, they are stored in _______ _______, which is a computer’s temporary, internal storage. Computer Memory
A form of internal, volatile memory. Random access memory, or RAM
Internal storage is _______ —its contents are lost when the computer is turned off or loses power. Volatile
Permanent storage devices are _______—that is, their contents are persistent and are retained even when power is lost. Nonvolatile
After a computer program is typed using programming language statements and stored in memory, it must be translated to ______ ______ that represents the millions of on/off circuits within the computer. Machine Language
Your programming language statements are called _______ ____, and the translated machine language statements are ______ ____. Source Code, Object Code
Each programming language uses a piece of software, called a _________ or an interpreter, to translate your source code into machine language. Compiler
Machine language is also called ______ ________, and is represented as a series of 0s and 1s. Binary Language
When instructions are carried out, a program ____, or executes. Runs
A program with no syntax errors is translatable and can execute, but it still might contain _______ _______ and produce incorrect output as a result. Logical Errors
A named memory location whose value can vary. Variable


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