Afrikaans meervoude, selfstandige naamwoorde, trappe van vergelyking, byvoeglike naamwoorde, ontkennende vorm, toekomende tyd, verlede tyd


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Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
How do you make a word plural in Afrikaans when: a word has a short vowel? Double the coonsonant and add "e"
Meervoud van seekat seekatte
Meervoud van ster sterre
Meervoud van krap krappe
Meervoud van vis visse
How do you make a word plural in Afrikaans when: a word has a twin vowel? Drop one vowel and add "e"
Meervoud van sambreel sambrele
Meervoud van sandkasteel sandkastele
Meervaoud van vuur vure
Meervoud van boot bote
How do you make a word plural in Afrikaans when: a word ends in two consonants (blend)? Add an "e"
branderplank branderplanke
skulp skulpe
strand strande
hond honde
How do you make a word plural in Afrikaans when: a word has two different vowels? Add an "e"
handdoek handdoeke
swembroek swembroeke
neut neute
seedier seediere
Wat is 'n selfstandige naamwoord? Iets wat ek kan sien en waaraan ek kan voel en vat. NOUN
Watter tiepe woorde kan ons meervoude van maak? SLEGS selfstandige naamwoorde.
Wat is 'n byvoeglike naamwoord? 'n Woord wat 'n selfstandinge naamwoord beskryf. ADJECTIVE
Wat is trappe van vergelyking? Degrees of comparison
Vergelykende trap: If you see "as" in the sentence, what should you add? Add "-er" to the adjective.
Oortreffende trap: If you see "die" in the sentence, what should you add? Add "-ste" to the adjective.
How to create a degree of comparison in Afrikaans when: a word has a short vowel? (vet/glad) Double the consonant, add "-er" or "-ste". vet - vetter as - die vetste glad - gladder as - die gladste
How to create a degree of comparison in Afrikaans when: a word has a twin vowel? (geel/groot) Vergelykende trap: Drop one vowel, add "-er". Oortreffende trap: Add "-ste" geel - geler as - die geelste groot - groter as - die grootste
How to create a degree of comparison in Afrikaans when: a word has two different vowels? (klein) Add "-er" or "-ste" klein - kleiner as - die kleinste
How to create a degree of comparison in Afrikaans when: a word ends with three vowels? (mooi) Add "-er" or "-ste". mooi - mooier as - die mooiste
Wat is 'n voornaamwoord? 'n Woord wat die plek neem van 'n byvoeglike naamwoord. PRONOUN
Singular 1st person personal pronouns: I You He She Enkelvoud 1st persoon persoonlike voornaamwoorde: Ek Jy Hy Sy
Singular 3rd person personal pronouns: My Your His Her Enkelvoud 3de persoon persoonlike voornaamwoorde: My Jou Sy Haar
Singular possessive pronouns: Mine Yours His Hers Enkelvoud besitlike voornaamwoorde: Myne Joune Syne Hare
Wat is ontkennende vorm? Wanneer iets nie so is nie. NEGATIVE FORM
In the negative form, what do we ALWAYS use in Afrikaans? Double negative.
When answering a question in the negative, what do you start with? Nee,...
Negative form sentence structure. Swem die kind in die see? Nee, - subject - verb - nie - object - nie. Nee, die kind swem nie in die see nie.
What are the 3 steps to change a sentence in the present tense (hedige tyd) to the future tense (toekomende tyd)? 1- find the verb 2- move the word to the end of the sentence 3- replace verb with "sal"
Die meisie swem in die see. Die meisie sal in die see swem.
What if you see "is" in the sentence that you want to change to future tense? 1- Replace "is" with "sal" 2- Write "wees" at the end of the sentence.
Die man is kwaai. Die man sal kwaai wees.
What if you see "het" in the sentence that you want to change to future tense? 1- Replace "het" with "sal" 2- Write "hê" at the end of the sentence.
Die meisie het 'n rooi handdoek. Die meisie sal 'n rooi handdoek hê.
What are the 4 steps to change a sentence in the present tense (hedige tyd) to the past tense (verlede tyd)? 1- find the verb 2- move the verb to the end of the sentence 3- replace the verb with "het" 4- write "ge-" infront of the verb
Die kind speel sokker. Die kind het sokker gespeel.
What if you see "is" in the sentence that you want to change to past tense? Change "is" to "was".
Die vrou is by die strand. Die vrou was by die strand.
What if you see "het" in the sentence that you want to change to past tense? Add "gehad" to the end of the sentence.
Jannie het 'n nuwe branderplank. Jannie het 'n nuwe branderplank gehad.
Do not add "ge-" to words that start with? her- (het hersien, nie gehersien) ver- (het verjaar, nie geverjaar) be- (het beskerm, nie gebeskerm) ge- (het geniet, nie gegeniet) er- (het ervaar, nie geervaar)


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