OT Practice Framework: Domain


Fundamentals of Occupational Therapy (Practice Framework ) FlashCards sobre OT Practice Framework: Domain, criado por Robin Decker em 05-10-2018.
Robin Decker
FlashCards por Robin Decker, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Robin Decker
Criado por Robin Decker aproximadamente 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Purpose of Framework 1. Guide OT practice 2. Articulate + relationship of Occupation & Health 3. Importance of OT to external stakeholders 4. Focus on daily living activities - get full participation 5. Use language/terms better understood 6. Come into alignment w/ some terminology changes in WHO - Reimbursement
2 Parts to OTPF Domain = Scope of practice; body of knowledge & expertise; Explain purpose of OT & who we help. Process: Dynamic methods used to implement OT services; Client-centered; clarifies what and how we treat
Domains = Scope of Practice 1. Occupations 2. Client Factors 3. Performance skills 4. Performance Patterns 5. Context & Environment
Domain: Occupations 1. ADL (bathe, get dressed, etc.) 2. IADL (prepare meals, pay bills..) 3. Rest & Sleep 4. Education 5. Work 6. Play (pediatrics) 7. Leisure (mostly elderly) 8. Social Participation (ex. pizza night out for autistic teens)
Domain: Occupations 1. Occur over time 2. Have purpose and meaning to person 3. Daily activities we engage in 4. Contributes to well-balanced, fully functional life style 5. Provide person with self-identity, self-worth, and competence
Domain: Performance Skills (Evaluate) What we observe people do. Influenced by body functions/structures (eg. COPD patient)
Domain: Performance Skills Continued... 3 Performance Skills 1. Motor - balance, strength, etc. 2. Process/Cognitive - Memory, attention, judgment, etc. 3. Social Interaction Skills - how they interact with others ***Sensory (processing)
Domain: Performance Patterns Re-occurring behaviors related to daily routines AND the roles assumed by person. Can support or hinder occupational performance Includes: Habits, Routines, Roles, Rituals
Domain: Performance Patterns Habit: always put car keys in same spot Routine: how you get ready in the morning Role: student, parent, plumber Rituals: holiday traditions
Domain: Client Factors (usu. can't change these) 1. Spirituality, values, & other beliefs 2. Body Structures (anatomical parts of body) - often can't be changed/improved 3. Body Functions (cognitive level, sensory perceptions, motor-skills can be more coordinated than others)
Domain: Context & Environment (Person's backdrop) Contextual: Culture, social (groups), personal (gender/age), temporal (where in life span), virtual (anything not face to face) Environmental: Physical (location/natural environment) & Social (spouse, friends, etc.) **All areas determines occupations someone might engage in; can support or hinder performance skills
Context & Environment Examples Temporal: for a child, focus would be play versus geriatric where leisure would be focus Physical: wheelchair bound have ramp at home but may not find one at a hotel they visit
Key Points about Practice Framework 1. Emphasizes client or family centered 2. Client can be individual or group 3. Process dynamic & interactive 4. Context is part of therapy process; can support or impede person (Must find a "fit") against their backdrop 5. Grounded in occupation


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