Five Themes of Geography


Harper Percy
FlashCards por Harper Percy, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Harper Percy
Criado por Harper Percy quase 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is Location and what does it correlate into? Location is a description of where a place is. It correlates into different subjects, such as how an Absolute location is a certain and exact location, such as the address to a house. A relative location is comparing one with another. Longitude is a vertical line running north to south. Latitude, horizontal. (east to west)
What are climate and features? Climate is physical/human aspects of a location. Features are associated w/ the name of a place, features, and their environmental conditions.
What about human-environment interaction? Human-environment about how humans adapt to, change, or live in their surroundings/environment.
Movement & correlations? -Is the transportation of humans, goods, and ideas by flying/sailing/driving/walking, etc. Push & Pull factors can be included in this as well. Push factors are negative factors about a county that drive people away from the country. Pull factors are positive impacts which drive people to the country. There are also imports/exports. Imports are products which are shipped in a country to sell. Exports are products shipped out of the country to sell. GDP - Gross Domestic Product, total value of goods n' services provided in a country for over one year.
Regions- Borders that define a place.


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