

FlashCards sobre Computing, criado por Zara Kanani em 03-11-2014.
Zara Kanani
FlashCards por Zara Kanani, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Zara Kanani
Criado por Zara Kanani quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is a CPU? *CPU stands for central processing unit. *It's a piece of hardware which executes instructions. *Some of the components are: processor, main memory, cache memory.
What instructions does the CPU perform? *Fetch-retrieves instructions from the program counter. *Decodes- the instructions. *Execute-the instructions.
What is the clock speed? *It is the speed of which the processor can execute instructions. Measured in Hz. *A single processor can only execute one instruction at a time. *Instructions are completed in a clock cycle.
What is the purpose of the cache? Data from the main memory is loaded onto the cache


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