Dialouge systems


FlashCards sobre Dialouge systems, criado por August Edström em 29-10-2018.
August Edström
FlashCards por August Edström, atualizado more than 1 year ago
August Edström
Criado por August Edström mais de 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is the main difference between a chatbot and a dialogue system? There is no goal-orientation in a chatbot, whereas in a dialogue system there is. So the difference lies in the result of the different conversational agents.
Briefly explain how the Eliza chatbot works A chatbot. No specific goal/task. Looks for keywords which then have associated pattern/transform rules. Given a sentence(pattern), a response to user based on pattern(transform). Standard answers and a memory trick
What is the difference between an IR-based chatbot and a seq2seq chatbot? Seq2seq only maps words vs IR-based maps sentences. IR will not say a sentence that is not in the training corpus
Briefly explain 2 ways in which a seq2seq model for a chatbot can be improved Use previous turns as context Beam search: look not just at the next best words (greedy) but at the next best sequences Use reinforcement learning to make conversation as a whole more natural
What are the pro’s and cons of chatbots? Pros: Fun, applicaitions to counseling, good for narrow, scriptable applications Cons: They dont really understand, rule-based chatbots are expensive(time-wise or computing-wise) and breaks easily, IR-based can only mirror training data
What are the components of a typical frame-based dialogue system? Speech recognition, NLU, Dialogue manager, Task manager, NLG, Text-to-Speech Synthesis
What are the disadvantages of a simple finite state dialogue manager? Completely system initiative. I.e. system decided what's important. Limited use. Real dialogues involve give and take
What are the advantages of dialogue system with system initiative? Easy to build, user know what's expected, system know what user will say next, OK for simple tasks
What is a frame and how can it be used to guide a dialogue? Provide a concrete example. A frame has a set of slots to be filled with values of certain types. Each is associated with a question. User can answer multiple questions at with one answer. For example, when booking a flight: If the user gives information that can fill multiple slots then the system dont have to ask again about those slots.
Briefly describe how machine learning can be used to learn domain and intent determination, slot presence and slot filling Domain and intent: used to map words to semantic frame-fillers() and use Slot presence and slot filler: 1-on-N classifier(naive Bayes, logistic regression, neural network, etc.))
Name 3 possible components of a dialogue state Slots, wheter slots have been filled/confirmed, user's dialogue acts and how they want to interact with the system
What is a dialogue act? Provide 3 examples. An act with a structure related specifically to its dialogue funtion(a "conversational move"). For example: Hello(), Inform(), Bye()
Can we determine user dialogue acts using just the surface syntactic form? Why (not)? No, because there may exist ambiguity about an act, that is, what looks like a question may be a request
How can we evaluate a dialogue system using slot error rate? By looking at the error rate of the information in slots filled by a sentence
What two chatbot architectures are there? Rule-based & corpus-based


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