

Julie Mannering
FlashCards por Julie Mannering, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Julie Mannering
Criado por Julie Mannering mais de 5 anos atrás

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Questão Responda
What should you wear if your working with dust? Safty glasses or face sheilds or dust masks.
What is a power tool? A power tool is a tool that uses electricity.
What are transformers? transformers are used to reduce the amount of electricity entering a power tool making it safer.
List 2 precautions you would follow when sanding a project? Be careful and safe.
What is afforestation? It is a policy of planting forests.
What is bark mulch? It is a natural source from bark and it is great fpr flowerbeds.
What is carbon dioxide? it is a harmful gas that damages the ozone layer.
What is forestry? It is all the trees that are planted.
What is oxygen? It is good gas that trees produce and we need it to live.
What is sketching? A rough drawing of your ideas and it help you to communicate your ideas to others.
What is Coillte? The company whs job it is to manage Irelands forests.
What are the 2 groups of trees? Coniferous and deciduous trees.
What are Hardwood trees mostly used for? There mainly used for furniture door and floors.
What are softwoods mainly used for? Mainly timber in construction painted wood work and shcool projects.
What type of leaves does a Deciduous tree have? Broad leaves.
What type of leaves do Coniferous trees have? Neddle leaves.
What wood are deciduous trees? Hard wood.
What wood are Coniferous trees? Soft wood.
What wood are oak trees? They are deciduous trees so they are hard wood.
What leaves do oak trees have? broad leaves.
What type of tree is a elm tree and wich wood is it? An elm tree is a deciduous tree wich that means it is a hardwood.
What type of leaves is a elm tree? Broad leaves.
What type os tree is a Birch tree and what wood is it? It is a deciduous tree.
What type of leaves does a birch tree have? Broad leaves.
What type of tree is a Ash tree and what wood is it? Its a deciduous tree and it is a hardwood.
What type of tree is a Beech tree and what wood is it? It is a deciduous tree and it is hard wood.
What type of leaves does a Ash tree have Broad leaves.
What type of leaves does a Ash tree have ? Broad leaves.
What type of tree is a Horse chestnut? And what wood is it? it is a deciduous tree and it is a hardwood
What type of leaves does a horse chestnut tree have? Broad leaves.
What type of tree is a Spanish chestnut tree and what wood is it. It is a deciduous tree and it is a hard wood.
What type of leaf is a Spanish chestnut leaf. It is a broad leaf.
What type of leaf is a Lime tree and what wood is it? It is a deciduous tree and it is a hardwood.
What type of leaf is a Lime tree? It is a broad leaf.
What type of tree is a Cherry tree and what type od wood is it? It is deciduous tree and is a hardwood tree.
What type of leaf is a Cherry tree? Broad leaf
What type of group is a Willow tree in? Deciduous
What group is a sycamore tree in and what wood is it? A sycamore tree is a deciduous tree and is a hardwood.
what group is a maple tree in and wood is it? It is a deciduous tree and it is hardwood.
What group is a scots pine tree in and what wood is it? It is a cconiferous tree and it is a softwood tree.
What type of leaf is a maple tree? It is a broad leaf.
What type of leaf is a scots pine? It is a needle-leaved tree.
What group is a Douglas fir tree in and what wood is it? It is a coniferous tree and it is a softwood.
What type of leaf does a Douglas fir tree have? It has neadle-leaves.
What group is a Norway spruce in and what wood is it? It is a coniferous tree and it is a soft wood tree.
What leaves does a Norway spruce have? it has nedle-leaves.
What group does a Sitka spruce belong to? It is a coniferous tree and it is a softwood.
What type od leaf does a Sitka spruce have? It hase needle-leaves.
What group does a Larch tree belong to and what wood is it? It is a coniferous tree and it is a softwood.
What type of leaves does a Larch tree have? It hase needle-leaves.
What group does a Lodge pole pine belong to and what wood is it? It is a coniferous tree amd it is a softwood.
What type od leaf does a Lodge pole pine have? It has needle-leaves.
What group does a Yew tree belong to and what wood is it? It is a coniferous tree and it hase needle-leaves.
What tree does acorns come from? Oak tree
What tree does seeds come of? Maple tree
What tree in America sometimes has a archway big enough to fit a car through? Redwood tree
What does germinate or germinates mean? It mean to sprout or start to grow.
What does plumule mean? It means the shoot or stem of a plant.
What does radicle mean? It means a root.
What is a seedling? A young plant.
What does sapling mean? A young tree.
What is chlorophy11? It is a substance in leaves that helps them use the suns energy to turn sap into food.
What is photosynthesis? It is when a young trees leaves use the energy from the sun to change sap into food.
What is sap? It is a fluid in plants.
What is transpiration? It is the process when moisture is carried through plants from roots to small pores on the underside of leaves where it is changed to vapor and is released to the atmosphere.
What is sapwood? It is the soft outer layer of recently formed wood.
What is heart wood? It is the wood found in the centre of the tree and is usally darker then the rest of the wood and it is stronger and older.


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