Development of Attachment


Chanelle Titchener
FlashCards por Chanelle Titchener, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Chanelle Titchener
Criado por Chanelle Titchener aproximadamente 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Stages of Attachment - Indiscriminate attachments - Beginnings of attachments - Discriminate attachments - Multiple attachments
Indiscriminate Attachments - From birth to around 2 months infants produce similar responses to all objects - Near the end of this period, they begin to show preference to social stimuli - Reciprocity and interactional synchrony play a role in establishing relationships with others
The Beginnings of Attachment - At 4 months, infants become more social and prefer human company - Can distinguish between familiar and unfamiliar people - Relatively easily comforted by others - Don't express stranger anxiety yet
Discriminate Attachments - At 7 months, infants begin to show different protests (separation anxiety) and express joy upon contact with the primary attachment figure - 65% (mother), 30% (mother joint first), 3% (father), 27% (father joint first)
Multiple Attachments - Soon after the first attachment has formed, the infant develops multiple attachments - Schaffer and Emerson found that within the first month of attachment, 29% made attachments with others - Within 6 months this had risen to 78%
Evaluation Unreliable data > Data was based on mothers' reports of their infants > Some mothers may be less sensitive to their infants' protests and were less likely to report them > Creates systemic bias
Evaluation Biased sample > Working class sample from the 60s > Parental care has changed considerably > More women work and many infants are cared for outside the home > Increase of stay-at-home dads (x4 over 25 years)
Evaluation Cultural variations > Individualist cultures that focus on the individual - Individual caring for children > Collectivist cultures that focus on a group - Communities caring for all children together
Primary Attachment Figures - Fathers are less likely to be primary attachment figures as they may spend less time with infants - Not psychologically equipped? - lack emotional sensitivity - Biological or social factors ^
Secondary Attachment Figures - Fathers play a role as secondary attachment figures - Fathers are more physically active with infants whereas the mother is more conventional towards infants


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