Exterior Lights - CDL A Pretrip


Exterior Lights - CDL A Pretrip
Daniel Rodriguez
FlashCards por Daniel Rodriguez, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Daniel Rodriguez
Criado por Daniel Rodriguez mais de 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
You will say the following 4 things: 1. I will now check all my lights, reflector, and reflective tape the same way. 2. Make sure they are PMS, CBB, all working properly. 3. All proper color and clean. 4. Amber to front and sides and red to back.
Call out what each light is on the truck and trailer. 1. Headlight. 2. Marker light (not turn signal) on driver side. 3. Clearance lights above windshield. 4. Marker light on driver door. 5. Clearance light trailer above bulkhead. 6. **Reflective tape on trailer frame. 7. Marker lights back of tractor. 8. Reflectors back of tractor. 9. **Reflective tape on tractor mudflap. 10. Marker light side trailer (turn signal) 11. ABS light 12. Marker light next to ABS light. 13. **Reflective tape on back of trailer. 14. **Reflective tape on ICC bumper. 15. Marker lights on back of trailer. 16. Clearance lights on back of trailer. 17. Marker light back passenger side of trailer. 18. Marker light side trailer (turn signal) 19. Clearance light above bulkhead. 20. Marker light passenger side door. 21. Marker light (not turn signal) on passenger side. 22. Headlight.
Call out reflective tape. Side trailer, tractor mudflap, back of trailer doors, trailer bumper.
"Will you assist me with checking 5x5?" (5 different functions and 5 different locations) *Get into truck to have examiner help you check the lights* Locations: 1. Front of truck 2. Sides of truck 3. Back of truck 4. Sides of trailer 5. Back of trailer. Functions: 1. 4 ways. 2. High beams 3. Left turn signal (on truck and trailer) 4. Right turn signal (on truck and trailer) 5. Brakes (on truck and trailer)


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