Culture and Identity


A level Sociology (culture and identity) FlashCards sobre Culture and Identity, criado por . em 07-01-2019. .
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What is the structuralist theory definition of culture? The individual is shaped by society. They share norms and values which bind people together. This view recognises differences between cultures
What is the social action theory definition of Culture? They view it to be a map of meaning. They see it as a way we carry it inside our heads from our interactions with others. Culture allows us to understand and interpret our own actions the actions of others.
What is a subculture? a cultural group within a larger culture, often having beliefs or interests at variance with those of the larger culture.
How can a subculture become a counterculture? If the group is characterised by systematic opposition to the dominant culture.
What are some exampes of subcultures? *Mods *Punks *Skinheads *Emos *Goths *Skaters
What does Hebdige [1995] Argue? Subcultures bring like-minded individuals who feel neglected by society togther to further devolp their identity through shared norms and values.
What are universal traits? World wide factors which are learned as behavioural patterns that are shared by all of humanity.
What are some examples of universal traits? *Communication *Classification based on age and gender *Raising children in a family setting *Sexual divsion of labour *Regulation sexual behaviour *Establishing and implenting rules and values *Creating art *Having some kind of leadership role and governing stystem.
Why aren't cultue and society the same thing? Cultures ae complexes of learned behaviour patterns and perceptions of individuals or groups where as society are systems of structural interelationships.
How does culture and society link within each other? Culture is transmitted to society through its institutions. Culture is the product of continuously evolving product of people interacting with each other in society.
What is high culture? This is associated with the cultural interests of the rich, powerful and highly educated. It is of lasting value and requies critical thought
Examples of high culture? *Poetry *Opera *Art *Literature *Music *Intellectual thought
What is low Culture? A derogatory term associated with the masses or lower classes. It is a negative value judgement about the quality of another groups culture.
Examples of Low Culture? *Soap Operas *Reality Shows *Popular Novels *Celebrity Gossip
What is Mass Culture? The culture we enjoy today has little value. The audience consume dumbed down content.
How do Marxists view Mass Culture? They use it to criticise the consumerist culture of today. It is based on theories from the Frankfurt School [Marcuse and Adorno]. They argue that in capitalist society, mass culture helps manipulate people into wanting and consuming products they dont need, making them become passive members of society.
What are the main characterists of mass culture? *Created by commerical organisations *Manufactured *Passive *Inauthentic *Associated with industrail societies *Produced for profit
What is Folk Culture? Is rooted in the experiences of ordinary people. Consists of tradtional, local customs and beliefs. It is authentic and associated with active participation. It emerged drom the expericiences of people in preindustrail societies.
What is popular Culture? The culture which is consumed by a lrage audience and is easy to understand and entertaining for the majority of young people.
How has mass media effected popular culture? The mass media and large-scale production of goods make popular cultural accessible to everyone.
What do postmodernist think about popular culture? Suggest that high culture and low culture are blurring within popular culture
What is Global Culture? Societies across the globe have become increasingly interdependent and are exposed to the same cultural products by tade, travel and mass communication, which could lead to the loss of cultural diversity and the disappearance of local cultural traditions
What is consumer Culture? Be seen as the result of globalisation and capitalism. A large pat of what you value, your self-identity and how you are defined by others is dependent on your consumption of material things.
Is there still a division between high and popular culture? POSTMODERNIST VIEWPOINT Argue that the distinction between high and pop culture is weaking and disappearing because globalisation enables all forms of culture to be consumed by everyone.
Is there still a division between high and popular culture? ACCESS People have more access to and can choose between all forms of culture and pick and mix between them as they wish meaning there is less of a distinction between high and low cultures.
What is Identity? It is the product of socialisation and is used to describe how we see ourselves in relation to others
How does our identity effect socialisation? We acquire an identity and develop roles for ourselves through socialisation
How do we study social Identity? Through different sources of identity, *Class *Gender *Ethnicity *Nationality *Age *Disability *Sexuality *Leisure and consumption
How is social identity defined? The way we think of ourselves, how we think other people see us and what we think others think of us.
How does family socialisation effect a child's identity? Family socialisation provides children with an identity. Young children has no life apart from the role in the family, making the child believe the family will love and care for them as long as it follows the rules
What is Imitative play and how does it effect socialisation? Social roles mainly played by parents proved children with blueprints for action. E.g. House, Mummies and Daddies, Pretend Cooking and Cleaning.
What is collective identity? Learning to share identities and symbols with people we believe are like us
How do we distinguish ourselves from others? Some people are defined as outsiders and we may collectively band together against these deviants.
How is identity socially caused? It is determined by social structures in society
How is identity socially constructed it is created through interpretations of the social world and through interactions with others.
What does Marshall [1998] Suggest about the definition of identity? There is no clear definition of identity in modern sociology but suggests that the term is mainly used to refer loosely to our sense of self and feelings about ourselves.
What is a product of individual identity Our adoption of social identities which are formed when we react to cultural expectations.
What is cultural Identity? sense of belonging to a distinct ethnic culture or subculture group
what is social identity? collective sense of belonging of a group. individuals identity as similar to other group members
what is individual identity? unique sense of personhood held by each person. Created through interaction with others
what is a stereotype? an exaggerated or distorted generalisation about an entire social group that does not acknowledge individual variation. they form the basis of prejudice and discrimination.
what is interactionists view on identity? [summary] *identity is constructed through socail interaction. *some groups have difficulty doing this because they are stigmatized *individuals develop a self-concept which influences how they act.
what is a structuralists persepective on identity? [Summary] *functionalism,marxism and feminism are more likely to focus on the role of social institutions or inequalities of power in shaping identity. *functionalism-largely fixed as a result of socialisation into shared culture *Marxism-largely fixed as a result of class position
what is a postmodernists perspective on identity? [summary] *There are so many choices availble to us in relation to how we can live our lives *identity is created and re-created through our consumption of cultural products and symbols
what did Hobsbawn [1996] say about identity? [postmodernism] identities are like shirts we choose to wear rather than the skin we are born with.


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