Images and Bitmap


Year 10 Computing FlashCards sobre Images and Bitmap, criado por Rubber_ Ducky122 em 18-01-2019.
Rubber_ Ducky122
FlashCards por Rubber_ Ducky122, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Rubber_ Ducky122
Criado por Rubber_ Ducky122 quase 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Bitmap Images An Image represented via pixels and its file size is dictated by the number of pixels used to create the image (resolution + color depth)
Types of bitmaps BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, TIF
Bitmap Resolution the number of pixels expressed in width by height e.g. 1920x1080
Bit depth the number of bits used to represent the number of colors in an image 1 bit = 2 colors 2 bits = 4 colors
Calculate the file size of a 2 MP camera 2,000,000 x 24 = 48,000,000 / 8 = 6,000,000 or 6 MB
Metadata The data that is saved about files such as creating data, file size, location on storage, and more regarding a files reconstruction
Vector Graphics An image that is created via shapes instead of pixels and hence does not lose quality when zoomed in
Properties of Vector Graphics - Made of Shapes - Large File Size - No Loss Of Quality When Zoomed
Properties of Bitmap Graphics - Made of Pixels - Usually Smaller File Size - Causes Pixellation When Zoomed


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