Com295T Ch12


Effective Business Reports
Heidi Blair
FlashCards por Heidi Blair, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Heidi Blair
Criado por Heidi Blair mais de 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Primary Research Primary research refers to the analysis of data that you, people from your organization, or others under your direction (i.e., consultants) have collected. **More Reliable *time-consuming, intrusive, and expensive
Secondary Research Secondary research refers to the analysis of data collected by others with no direction from you or members of your organization.
Criteria for Charts (1) title descriptiveness (2) focal point (3) information sufficiency (4) ease of processing (5) takeaway message.
Formatting Guidelines : All Charts *All data is appropriately labeled *Minimal use of bright colors *Darker colors- most important data *No unusual fonts or too many special effects. *Avoid 3-D charts. *All text horizontal. *Avoid white type on dark backgrounds
Formatting Guidelines; Line Graphs *Scale about two-thirds of the range included in the chart. *Series names - on or attached directly to lines. * Four or fewer data series (lines)
Formatting Guidelines: Pie Charts *Largest slice- begin at 12 o’clock and go CW; second-largest slice- begin at 12 o’clock and go CCW. *Exploding slices- used sparingly. *Pie slices -add up to 100% of a data series.
Formatting Guidelines: Bar Graphs Bars- about 2X width of space in between bars. Baseline should always be zero. Bars arranged in ascending or descending order in most cases. Legend used only if chart has two or more data series.
Chart vs. Table *Chart: highlighting a key idea *Table: comprehensiveness and precision


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