Secondary Economic Activities


Bauxite, Capital, Carcogenic, Developed World, Developing World, Footloose, Global, Heavy Industry, Incinerator, Industrialised, Industrialised Emergent, Inertia, Labour Force, Light Industry, Market, MNC, Multinational Corporation, Newly Industrialised, Policy, Product, Raw Material, Transport
Riona Stevenson
FlashCards por Riona Stevenson, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Riona Stevenson
Criado por Riona Stevenson mais de 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Bauxite Aluminium ore, which is used to make aluminium
Capital Money or assets available for investments
Carcinogenic Has the potential to cause cancer
Developed world Wealthy countries with good services and high living standards; also known as the North or First World countries
Developing world Poor countries with few services and low living standards; also known as the South or Third World countries
Footloose An industry that is not tied to a specific location
Global Of or relating to the whole world; worldwide
Heavy industry The manufacture of goods in which heavy or bulky raw materials are used (e.g smelting, oil refining)
Incinerator An enclosed chamber used to burn waste
Industrialised Has developed industries on a wide scale (e.g Europe)
Industrially emergent Has little or no modern manufacturing (e.g Sub-Saharan Africa)
Inertia A tendency to do nothing or to remain unchanged
Labour force People who are able to work
Light industry Manufacturing activity that uses moderate amounts of raw materials to produce goods (e.g fashion, electronics)
Market A place where goods are bought and sold; also, a group of people who buy goods
MNC Multinational Corporation
Multinational corporation A company who is based in more than one country
Newly Industrialised Has rapidly increased industrial activity in the recent decades (e.g South-East Asia)
Policy A plan or course of action
Produced A thing produced by effort
Raw material The basic material from which a product is made
Transport The movement of people, materials or goods from one place to another


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