
FlashCards sobre ECG, criado por Risky Ng em 16-03-2019.
Risky Ng
FlashCards por Risky Ng, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Risky Ng
Criado por Risky Ng quase 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Causes of R axis deviation RVH Left posterior fascicular block Pulmonary Embolism COPD Horizontal heart
Causes of L axis deviation LVH LBBB L anterior fascicular block Inferior MI
Features of AF No p waves Fibrillatory baseline (f waves) Irregularly irregular RR - QRS not equally spaced apart
AF associated with Thyrotoxicosis Mitral valve disease Cardiac failure
Features of atrial flutter No p waves sawtooth baseline Regular or irregular RR intervals depending on type of AV block Associated with cardiac failure, atrial surgery, mitral valve disorders
Prolonged PR interval >200ms 1:1 AR relationship 1st AV block
What causes 1st AV block beta blocker thiodiazem (CCB)
Progressive prolongation of PR interval followed by loss of AV conduction Group beating 2nd AV block type I (physiologic)
Fixed PR interval Regular dropped AV conduction - sudden disappearance of QRS 2nd AV block type II (pathological)
No r/s b/w P and QRS (atrial and ventricular having their own party) Regular PP & RR intervals Narrow QRS: ventricle depolarized via His-purkinje system Ventricular rhythm originate from the junction Third degree AV block with junctional escape (complete heart block)
Broad QRS: ventricle depolarized by spread through myocardium ◦ QRS>120ms - ventricle not completely depolarised by His Purkinje system ◦ Can become ventricular standstill --> no pulse Third degree AV block with ventricular escape (complete heart block)
Causes of RBBB Benign Right hypertrophy Pulmonary embolism
Causes of LBBB IHD Anterior MI AS Cardiomyopathy


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