Revolution Vocab


FlashCards sobre Revolution Vocab, criado por Kota Wharton em 06-12-2014.
Kota Wharton
FlashCards por Kota Wharton, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Kota Wharton
Criado por Kota Wharton quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Enlightenment Thinkers applied reason to government. 3 major concepts such as freedom from oppression, natural rights, and new ways of thinking about governmental structure. Influenced colonists to rebel against the English Empire.
Natural Rights The at-birth- given rights to life, liberty, and property and is still in the United States Declaration of independence (life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness.)
Limited Government Splitting the government into 3 main roles to prevent on person or persons from gaining full power (i.e. judicial branch to interoperate the constitution, exectutive brach to enforce the laws, and legislative branch to make the laws)
Social Contract The right for the people to choose who represents them legally. And the right to over through any nominated representative if they feel the representative is not expressing the ides of the majority of his or her people, which whom she or he is representing.
Proclamation of 1763 A law passed by the English government to make sure "No man of English background was to set foot or pass, the Appellation Mountains to the west." This was to protect the English from going into war again.
Sugar Act of 1764 A tax on sugar and all imported goods to pay off the English debt from the French and Indian war.
Stamp Act of 1765 A small tax on all printed paper. Also made to pay of English debt form French and Indian war.
Townshend Act of 1767 Tax on all goods after falure of the Stamp Act and Sugar Act
Boston Massacre 5 Americans killed after being shot by British troops of the 29th Regiment. These troops though where taunted by through rocks and snow balls and where later freed of all charges.
Tea Act of 1773 Tax placed on all tea, a very valuable trade item.
Boston Tea Party Colonists disguised as American Indians, destroyed an entire shipment of tea sent by the East India Company. This was in rebellion to the Tea Act set in 1773.
Intolerable Acts of 1774 Huge amounts of troops where sent to Boston to punish the Bostonians for the Boston tea Party. Other set acts included Quartering act which subjected the colonials to house British Soldiers. It also prevented meetings.
Boycott A refusal to buy or accept goods or services to protest against a cause.
Writ of Assistance A legal document in a form of present day warrants for goods believed stollen.
Continental Congress The first major group to run america and to form the declaration of independence. Formed from representatives form all 13 original colonies.


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