

FlashCards sobre Amendments , criado por Tania Tait em 21-04-2019.
Tania Tait
FlashCards por Tania Tait, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Tania Tait
Criado por Tania Tait mais de 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Amendment 1 -Freedom of Religion -Press -Speech -Assembly -Petition
Amendment 2 Right to Bear Arms
Amendment 3 Right to not have quarter troops
Amendment 4 Right to be free from un-reasonable searches and seizures
Amendment 5 -Right to a grand jury -No double jeopardy -Freedom from self-incrimination -Due process of law (federal only)
Amendment 6 -Right to "fair and speedy" trial -Trial must be open with a jury Right to legal counsel
Amendment 7 Right to a jury trial in civil cases
Amendment 8 -Freedom from excessive bail - Prevents cruel and unusual punishment
Amendment 9 Guarantee of rights not listed in Constitution
Amendment 10 States retain all powers not denied them or specifically given to the federal government
Amendment 11 Prevents suits against states
Amendment 12 Determines how the president and vice president are elected
Amendment 13 Abolished Slavery
Amendment 14 -Made the Bill of Rights apply to the states -Established Citizenship -All citizens are entitled to due process of law and equal protection of law.
Amendment 15 All men can vote
Amendment 16 Created income tax
Amendment 17 Direct election of National Senators
Amendment 18 Prohibition of alcoholic beverages
Amendment 19 Women can vote
Amendment 20 Inauguration shorten to January instead of March
Amendment 21 Abolished Prohibition
Amendment 22 Limited the President's term of office
Amendment 23 Washington DC was given 3 electoral votes
Amendment 24 Abolition of poll tax
Amendment 25 Presidential disability and succession
Amendment 26 The voting age was lowered to 18
Amendment 27 Limits the power of Congress to increase its own salaries


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