Big 5 vs. Giant 3 study years


BSc Personality (Years) FlashCards sobre Big 5 vs. Giant 3 study years, criado por Carly Brinded em 24-04-2019.
Carly Brinded
FlashCards por Carly Brinded, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Carly Brinded
Criado por Carly Brinded quase 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What year was Allport's idiographic approach? 1937
What year was Cattell's nomothetic approach? 1965
What year was Eysenck's Giant 3? 1947
When was Psychoticism added? 1966
What year did Eysenck establish the biological causes of traits? 1992
What year did Eysenck identify the link between the dopaminergic system and psychoticism? 1997
What year did John discover the Big 5? 1990
What year did Friedman and Schustack study openness to experience and extraversion? 2016
What year did Toegel and Barsoux study agreeableness, neuroticism, and conscientiousness? 2012
What year did Dwan and Ownsworth study neuroticism? 2017
What year did Lynam et al. suggest both big 5 and giant 3 predict mental illness? 2005
What year did Matthews et al. suggest extraversion and neuroticism are the most basic dimensions of personality? 2003
What year did Scholte and DeBruyne study personality data, with findings in favour of the Giant 3? 2004
What year did Kline and Barrett find no evidence suggesting conscientousness could fall under psychoticism? 1954
What year did McCrae and Costa find a negative correlation between psychoticism and agreeableness / conscientiousness 1985
What year did Noller et al. find a lack of evidence for Openness? 1987
When did Boyle replicate Noller et al? 1989
What year did Matthews et al. discover the skewedn data caused by psychoticism? 2003


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