Water in living organisms


GCSE Biology (Topic 1-Lifestyle, health and risk) FlashCards sobre Water in living organisms, criado por Camilla Donaldson em 12-12-2014.
Camilla Donaldson
FlashCards por Camilla Donaldson, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Camilla Donaldson
Criado por Camilla Donaldson quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is the chemical formula of water? H2O, which tells us there are two hydrogen atoms for every oxygen atom.
what kind of bonds do water form? Hydrogen bonds, as the slightly negative oxygen atom will attract the slightly positive hydrogen atom of other water molecules in a weak electrostatic attraction.
What is a property of water which makes it important in biological systems? 1 1.)Water is an excellent solvent. This means that ionic substances can dissolve in it, polar substances (compounds with covalent bonds) will not usually dissolve in organic substances but it will in water.
What is an emulsion? tiny droplets of one liquid suspended in another liquid
What is a suspension? A solid mixed with a liquid in which the particles will separate out if not constantly moved or stirred.
What is a property of water which makes it important in biological systems? 2 2.) Water has one of the highest known surface tensions. This is due to the water molecules forming hydrogen bonds which pull them down, as there is no attraction between the air and water molecules the water layer holds together forming a thin surface of tension.
What is a property of water which makes it important in biological systems? 3 3.) The water molecule is amphoteric. Which means it can act as both an acid (it forms H+ ions and is a proton donor) and a base (OH- ions and is a proton acceptor). Making it an ideal medium for reactions to take place, acting as a buffer to prevent reactions causing a change in the pH of the cell.


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