1 identifying requirements 1.2 skateholder analysis


OCR AS/Alevel Design & Technology Product Design
Ruth Glasheen
FlashCards por Ruth Glasheen, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Ruth Glasheen
Criado por Ruth Glasheen mais de 5 anos atrás

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what will the analysis of user centred design and stakeholder allow the designer to understand? user centred design and stakeholder analysis allows designers to understand the needs and wants of the parties invested in a product and how different design solutions will impact them.
what may be used throughout the design process? and what does this allow ? User Centred Design (UCD) may be used through out the design process. it allows for a close collaborative working relationship between users and the desighners of a product and helps to ensure that the product will meet users expectations and preferences.
what areas does UDC consider? 1 understanding context of use 2 requirements specificatgiion 3 feedback on proposed design solutions 4 evaluation by users on prototypes (normally through use)
what does stakeholder analysis broadly look at? give examples stakeholder analysis looks more broadly at the invested parties such as organisations, legislative bodies, manufactures, retailers, and other groups who will be affected by the product.
what is SWOT analysis? SWOT analysis is a method used to examine the key factors associated with a product in order to maximise its opportunities and identify any problem or pitfalls.
in a SWOT analysis what are the terms that a product will be examined on? strength-the advantages within the marketplace against competitors and of the products USP. weakness-problems within the proposed opportunities threats-understanding the competition or the possible adverse effects of consumer behaviour or legislation
what are focus groups a key source of ? focus groups are a key source of feedback in ensuring that the products meet users needs and wants
how are focus groups selected? focus groups are carefully selected to appropriately reflect the specific target market demographic.
what are focus groups? A discussion is lead by a moderator to collect data regarding the groups views and experiences.
what happens in a focus group? different activities are undertaken and the groups reactions are recorded.
give examples of activities carried out in a focus groups and what can be learnt form them? activity learnt Direct questioning views on aesthetic and discussions and price points suggestions for common problems or improvements aspects that are disliked Audiovisual consideration of presentations marketing strategy and ways to engage the user surveys of possible which designers or options for the features are considered product to be of most value interactions with how easy the product products is to use and how intuitively screens, interfaces and buttons are navigated
what do qualitative observations allow? qualitative observations allow stakeholders reactions to a product to be recorded in terms of sight, smell, taste, touch, or hearing.
why are interviews often taken? interviews are often undertaken to allow for a full understanding of the products and how possible changes could be perceived.
what does quantitative data involve? quantitative data involves the collection of numerical statistics such as sizes and weights.
how is market research taken and what does this allow? market research is undertaken in a variety of ways to allow designers and manufactures to identify and understand potential areas for sales and profit through new and reimagined products
what can market research identify? -market trends -demographic groups -buying habits -economic shifts -competitors
what will market research often involve? feasibility analysis: will the product be possible and profitable? investigations: which possible initial product concepts are suitable? small scale launch of the product: is there demand for the product and the manufacturing capability to meet it?
what is primary and secondry reaserch? primary research comes from direct interaction or observation. secondary research comes from existing, books, documents, or online resources.
what are the primary research methods? -questionnaires -surveys -interviews -focus groups -trials -product analysis -analysis of ergonomic data
what are the secondary research methods? -Magazines -Reference books -Social media -Guidance from government agencies -Available statistics -Style influences from other designers or art movements -Anthropocentric data -Materials and manufacturing techniques
What are the advantages of primary research methods? -up to date data -data is specific to the design
what are the disadvantages of primary research methods? -expensive to conduct -time consuming to arrange
What are the advantages of secondary research methods? -cost effective method of collecting data
what are the disadvantages of primary research methods? -Research can be out of date -it may not be specific to the design
what is fashion forecasting used for? give examples fashion forecasting is used to compile an understanding of a wide range of influences from numerous sources closely related to business such as materials, prints and colours.
what does fashion forecasting allow? this allows designers and the fashion industry to determine what will be popular in the upcoming season .
what does trend forecasting look at? Trend forecasting looks more broadly at global industry
what does trend forecasting allow? allows companies to produce or buy a suitable number number of products or garments
what does trend forecasting ensure? this ensures there are the right numbers in production or in stock to meet differing demand due to seasonal changes or fluctuations in buyer behavior
where may data collection come from? data collection may come from trends and patterns on social media or gathered from internet or television streaming statistics.
after this data is gathered what is done? this data is processed or compiled by computer software and compared against historical data to allow for accurate forecasting.
what is the term enterprise associated with? in a design context an enterprise is associated with innovation and companies that are planning to capture new markets through new ideas or by approaching stakeholder needs from a new and exciting stand point.
what are entrepreneurs? Entrepreneurs are people who drive the designing launching and running of a new business or service.
what do entrepreneurs often take on? They often take on the financial risk associated with the project with the hope of being successful and making a profit.
why are commercial partnerships formed? commercial partnerships are formed between different business to allow for raid growth or when there are mutually beneficial outcomes.
who are venture capitalists? venture capitalists are stakeholders who invest in companies or new initiatives
what do these partnerships allow? partnerships allow companies to share ideas and expertise and gain acesss to manufacturing new technologies and new markets
venture capitalists invest money what does this money allow companies to do? the money they invest allows companies to expand or enables individuals to produce new ideas .
this money is also known as funding how long can this funding be and what are the investors looking to make within this time? funding can be short or long term with the investors looking to make a healthy profit within this period.
what is crowd funding? crowd funding is another means of raising finance which is increasingly sought after by small start up companies or individuals.
what do crowd funding platforms allow companies to do? give some examples of these platforms crowd funding platforms such as kickstarter or crowd funder allow companies to attract potential investors for ideas which have not secured investment from more mail stream sources.


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