English Civil War - Definitions


Canada BC grade 9 Social Studies
FlashCards por Ipzter, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por Ipzter quase 10 anos atrás

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Guild Medieval association of craftsmen or tradesmen who upheld standards and protected its members
Republic A country with out a monach
Test Act The act forbidding all, except members of the Church of England, from holding political office
Presbyterian Protestant church governed by elders (presbyters)
Ally To combine with for a special purpose
Cololnial Nation that rules over the land of others
Absolute Monach Monarch with unlimited power
Pillory Wooden divide with holes for head and arms, designed to ridicule ofenders
Civil war War between citizens of same country
Degicide Person who kills the king or the act of it
Democracy Government controlled by citizens
Dissent To differ in opinion, disagree, and refuse to conform to the church
Advicate To give up the throne (renounce)
Tyrant Cruel, unjust ruler
Magna Carta Charter guaranteed people some civil rights
Spanish Armada Great fleet of ships sent by Spain to invade England in 1588
Congregation People gathering for religious worship
Entrepreneur Person who runs a business, taking risk to make profit
Civil Rights Rights of a citizen
Compromise To settle a dispute, meeting half way
Original Sin sin of Adam and Eve
Blue Laws Strict laws
Militia Citizens acting like soldiers in emergency
Monarch King or Queen
Calvinist Follower of John Calvin, leader of Protestant Reformation
Covenant Agreement; sealed contract


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