the cosmological argument :)


FlashCards sobre the cosmological argument :) , criado por abbie_charman em 09-01-2015.
FlashCards por abbie_charman, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por abbie_charman mais de 9 anos atrás

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What is the telelogical/design argument? A posterior- based on emprical evidence of what we can observe. Synthetic- that only the truthe can be determined as evidence. Inductive- the premises may be true but the conclusion may still be false.
How and what does the design arugment try to prove? It tries to prove th exsitence of God. it does this by arguing that the universe was designed.
What is the design argument? 1. to design something, it takes inteligence & thought 2. the universe shows evidence of design 3. because of this a being with intelligence & thought must have designed the universe 4. only god could have this level of inteligence and trought to design the universe 5. therefore because the universe exists, then God exsits
What was william paley's argument? 1. he compared the world to a pocket watch 2. if you saw a watch you would know that it had been designed due to the comnplexiaty of the watch 3. a watch has many parts so that it may work. therefore it must have been carefully planned & designed 4. he argued this for the umiverse, he believed it couldn't of happened by chance so there had to be a designer 5. the only capable of doing this, is God 6. therefore God exsits
3 reasons FOR paley's argument 1. we do not know how the universe was created so it is a simple & logical explanation 2. what else could have created the universe with so much design 3. the complexiaty of the human brain
3 reasons AGAINST paley's argument 1. it is biased as he already believed in God 2. just because the universe was designed doesn't mean that it was necessarly designed by God 3. there are other theories as to how the universe was created which had evidence to support it e.g. the big bang theory
Aristotle & the design argument He believed that everything in nature had a telos ( an aim or direction or purpose.) something is the way that it is partly because of it's purpose, he believed that anything with potentiality has the abilty to become a more complete state.
Aquinas & the 5th way He believed that everything, even non-thinking beings, had a purpose. he drew upon the idea that we were directed by something, who is an intelligent being. he believed this because things like migration patterns couldn't just happen randomly. so from this he concluded that the universe had been designed. he believed this designer to be God.
Aquinas quote "therefore some intelligent being exists by whom all natural things are directed to their end; and this being we call God"
Arthur brown & the ozone layer He believed that the ozone layer that surronds the earth was evidence that the universe had been designed. He believed that it was to complicated to just have natural occured in the world.
Arthur Brown quote "the ozone layer is mighty proof of the creator's forethought. could anyone possibly attribute this device to a chance evolutionary process? a wall which prevents death to every living thing , just the right thickness abd exactly the correct defence gives every evidence of a plan."
William Paley Paley claims that even if the watch goes wrong or shows evidence of bad design (the problem of evil.) We could still decide that the watch had been designed . it demonstrates purpose, design and telos. he believd that the intricacies exsisted within nature, which could not have come by chance.
William Paley quote "the inference, we think. is inevitable, that the watch must have had a maker: that there must have existed, at some time, and at some place or other, an artificer or artificers who formed it for the purpose which we find it actually to answer; who comprehended its construction and designed its use"
Cicero & the design argument He was an orator, salesman and writer, he wrote de natura dearum (on the nature of God.) he challenged the evolutionary theory. ockham's razor (simplest explantion is more likely to be correct) can be used to explain what cicero was trying to say.
Cicero quote "what could be more clear or obvious when we look up to the sky abd contemplate the heavens than that there is one divinty or superior intelligence"
F.R. Tennent & the aesthetic argument This observes that the universe possess a natural beauty that goes beyond that which is necessary to live, which shows the handicraft of god. therefore God is the best explanation for the beuity in the world. Science cannot always explain the beauty that we see in the world. beauty is not necessasy to our survival so if there had been no designer then the world would of been created without beauty. therefore the beauty of the world indicates a creater, that creator being God.
F.R. Tennent quote "Our scientific knowledge brings us no closer to understanding the beauty of seems to be superflous and to have little survival value"
F.R. Tennent & the anthropic argument He believed that the best evidence for design could be seen in the way that the universe supports intelligent life. He claims that the cosmos is constructed for the development of intelligent life. He argued that nothing seen in Darwin's theory of evolution cannot explain why humans feel a love and appreciation of art, music and other beautiful things.
Richard Swineburne & the anthropic argument He states that the complexity of the universe makes it diffivule to believe that there is not a designer at work. the world could just have easily become chaotic following the events of the big bang.
Richard Swineburne quote "the analogy animals to a complex machine is correct and its conclusion justified"
Fine tuning argument (part 1) Premises: 1. the fine tuning of the universe is due to either physical necessity, chance or design. 2. it is not due to the physical necessity of chance 3. therefore it is due to design
Fine tuning argument (part 2) This argument states that the universe stands in needs an explanation. It confirms that the theory that the universe was created by an intelligent being fir the purpose of supporting life. It suggests that the fitness of the universe for life either involves a series of staggering coincedences or is the result of an intelligent designe (God)
Fine tuning argument quote (from Stephen Hawking) "The laws of science, as we know them at present, contain many fundamental numbers, like the size of the electic charge of the electron and the ratio of the masses of the proton and the electron...The remarkable fact is that the values of these numbers seem to have been very finely adjuste to make possible the development of life"
Argument from providence (part 1) 3 main points: 1. all beings are suitable for the exsitence and needs of human beings. 2. this suitabilty can not be achieved by chance 3. therefore it is by necessity due to an agent intending to do so by.
Argument from providence (part 2) An intelligently designed universe cannot be proved but is more probable than a universe ruled by blind forces or chance. A purposeful designer cannot be proved to exist but is more plausiable and satisfactory explanation than any other. Swineburne regards it as wonderfully helpful of God to have created a world in which mankind can look after himself with out apparant divine intervention every day.
Strengths Posteriori- based on what we have expereienced. You can anylase the argument. Evidenc that is used allows us to see design in the world. Accessible.
Paley (as a strength) He believd that purpose would suggest design. Shows the complexiaty of nature for a reson.
F.R. Tennent (as a strength) Science shows that the anthropic argument is correct. Evolution is complex and it shows design or forethought.
Peter Vardy (as a strength) Leap of faith. Swineburne. Allows us to make a leap of faith. Higher chance of the designer being God.
Immanuel Kant (as a weakness) Believd that we just assumped there was a designer. Believed that we imposed order into the world. Believed that the mind wants to see order (placebo effect.)
Charles Darwin (as a weakness) Believed that we evoled to what we are now and that the world begun chaotic (In response to this. Evolution could be seen as a forethought of God so that we could reach a perfect state)
Charles Darwin quote "everything in nature is the result of a fixed law"
Richard Dawkins (as a weakness) Believed that any design may be chance. Evolution as God would not be comptent because of natural disaters. (In reponse to this. Natural disaters made by God so that we could increase our changes of survival by improving the enviroment that we live in.)
Richard Dawkins quote "The living result of natural selection...impress us with the illusion of design"
David Hume (as a weakness) No knowledge of the point of creation. Limited experience to conclude God. Why does it have to be the classic theist God, why not lots of designers (Gods.) Natural evil is the result of God. Therefore the designer is evil.
David Hume quote "This world for all we know is very faulty & impefect compared to a superior standard; and was only first rude essay of some infant diety who afterwards abandoned it"


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