Chapter 2: Egypt


FlashCards sobre Chapter 2: Egypt, criado por Naomi Dale em 24-06-2019.
Naomi Dale
FlashCards por Naomi Dale, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Naomi Dale
Criado por Naomi Dale mais de 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
garment fabric? linen
men skirt schenti, shent, skent, schent
Old Kingdom Dress Knee Length or shorter skirts fitted closely around the hips
Middle Kingdom Dress skirt elongated, sometimes reaching the ankle
Purpose of wearing animal skin they thought they would gain the power from the animal
How did they achieve color in their dress they either painted the linen or wore colorful jewelry
cone of scented wax melts throughout the night and coats the wig giving off a pleasant smell
cone of scented wax
indication of wealth the amount of layering or clothing you had on your body
Sheath dress
reason for Hatshepsut's fake beard she wanted to be regarded as a ruler, not as a woman
Upper Egypt Southern Egypt
Lower Egypt Northern Egypt
purpose of eyeliner cosmetic and health purposes (protection from the suns rays)
basic costumes for egyptian women? straight fitted garment of tubular form
scarab a symbol of a beetle that represented the sun god and also rebirth
ureaus sacred cobra and symbol of lower egypt
eye of horus stylized representation of the human eye, symbolized the moon
mordants used to fix the colors in dyed linen
pectorals decorated pendants
corselet sleeveless decorative form of armor, could be strapless or suspended by small straps from the shoulders
amulets charms worn around the neck to ward off evil
diadems crowns
Lock of Youth/ Lock of Horus distinctive hairstyle worn by children of the pharaoh


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