Classics:Rome, Slaves


FlashCards sobre Classics:Rome, Slaves, criado por sienna.wells em 11-01-2015.
FlashCards por sienna.wells, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por sienna.wells mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
How did you become a slave in ancient Rome? -By being born into slavery -By being captured by pirates and sold into slavery -Prisoners of war -By being captured in battle -Parents selling you into slavery
What kind of jobs did slaves do? -Whatever their master needed -House work - cooking, looking after the children, cleaning, being maids or even sleeping with the master or mistress -Manual labour such as working in the fields or in salt mines
Were slaves treated well? -depended on who your master was. some masters allowed their slaves to buy their freedom. some masters freed their slaves on their death beds or before. -some masters had close relationships with them, freed and married them. - Ultimately a slave was property of another person and had no freedom. slaves who retaliated in court were always tortured first. -sometimes if one slave revolted, all slaves in that household were put to death.


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