History: Terrorism


Flashcards for History GCSE OCR on Terrorism
Natasha Evans
FlashCards por Natasha Evans, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Natasha Evans
Criado por Natasha Evans aproximadamente 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is terrorism? An act designed to hurt or kill innocent civilians and to intimidate or influence a government to do something.
What were the 2 most important motivations for the PLO? Political - wanted to get control of Palestinian territory. Moral - wanted to get back their 'rightful' home as they believed Israel had stolen it.
What was the main motivation for the PIRA? Political - they wanted to create a United Ireland.
What were the 2 main motivations for al-qaeda? Political - they wanted to counter American influence in the Middle East Religious - wanted to get rid of Islamic non believers.
Osama bin Laden's leadership qualities Clever - went to the most prestigious high school Rich - helped set up al-qaeda Military experience - joined Afghan resistance as he believed it was his duty as a Muslim to fight. Powerful - used aid from the US to train a group of Islamic jihadists.
Yasser Arafrat's leadership qualities Military - smuggled weapons to Palestine to use against British + Jewish, left uni to fight Jews (1948). Strength and planning - organised uprisings (2000). Willing to negotiate - public speech gained peace by declaring his enemies had rights.
Gerry Adams' leadership qualities Determined - as a child he was a Catholic civil right freedom fighter Political Attributes - became leader of Sim Fein Negotiation - got Good Friday agreement signed helping to establish self-rule in N. Ireland
Get tough or talk? What happened with the IRA when the government got tough? British sent in troops to try and find leaders of the IRA. Dragged Catholics out of their homes Torched houses Captured Catholics - no trial before imprisonment
Why is terrorism hard for governments to deal with? Difficult to find and stop. When terrorists are in your country many people want the government to get tough but this can restrict human rights and freedoms.
Give some reasons that say terrorism is justified with examples. Gain land (political) and home (moral) - PLO wanted their 'rightful' home back. Fighting for rights - PIRA - unite Ireland Protect their people - PLO attacked to protect Palestinians Only choice they have Retaliation
Give some reasons that say terrorism is not justified Kills many innocent people - 9/11 Creates fear Gives religion a bad name - al -qaeda Only leads to more violence - Israeli government have built a wall on the West Bank which causes suffering to stop Palestinian people
How can governments respond to terrorism? Negotiation Military Action Infiltration
How did the government respond to the PIRA? Infiltration - British never knew when the next bomb would come. Began to infiltrate the PIRA Gave them valuable info which led to arrests of high up PIRA figures.
How did the government respond to al-qaeda? Military In response to the embassy bombings in East Africa. US launched cruise missiles on targets in Sudan and Afghanistan
How did the government respond to the PLO? Negotiation PLO were suffering as funding had been cut off. Led to signing of the Oslo Accords PLO would acknowledge Israel + reject violence. Israel would recognise PLO as the official Palestinian authority.
Government response to al-qaeda US ask for bin Laden Say no, start to negotiate USA join forces with British PM USA and allies lead attack on Afghanistan (Oct 2001)
Government response to PIRA Internment - imprisonment if anyone had any possibility of being a terrorist 1972 - agreed to have secret talks with IRA leadership 1980's - used undercover officers + informers British gov talked to Sim Fein - Good Friday Agreement signed - 1998
Government response of PLO Get tough - targeted assassinations Negotiation - Oslo Accords in 1993 Agreed to Palestinian authority
PIRA responses Negotiation - talks with Sinn Fein - GFA (1998) Military - Bloody Sunday, British troops shot protesters Intelligence - censorship, infiltration
PLO responses Negotiation - Oslo Accords Military - Get tough policy, curfews in Afghanistan, targeted assassinations, bombing suspected terrorist targets Intelligence - checkpoints to search people entering or leaving Palestinian areas
Al-qaeda responses Negotiation - no public talks, demands for Taliban leaders Military - Missile attacks, invasion of Afghanistan, killing of bin Laden Intelligence - torture of terrorist suspects
'Religion is the cause of Terrorism' YES PLO - opposed to Jewish 'zionism' (Jews who believed they shoudl get their own state) PIRA - Catholic V Protestant Al - qaeda - get rid of non believers NO PLO - gain control of Palestinian state PIRA - united Ireland al - qaeda - rid Western influence


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