700 Idioms 14


FlashCards sobre 700 Idioms 14, criado por David Y em 15-08-2019.
David Y
FlashCards por David Y, atualizado more than 1 year ago
David Y
Criado por David Y aproximadamente 5 anos atrás

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Oh you poor girl! Only two cookies and not three. IT'S A HARD KNOCK LIFE FOR YOU! IT'S A HARD KNOCK LIFE FOR US (2) Instead of treated; we get tricked instead of kisses, we get kicked someone has such a hard life!
When she was in the hospital, the office sent her flowers. THEY MEANT WELL AND WERE GOOD AT HEART His speech at the wedding was horribly embarrassing, but HE definitely MEANT WELL AND WAS GOOD AT HEART I know YOU MEAN WELL, but you're actually being very unhelpful at the moment I know she gets angry sometimes, but basically SHE IS WELL INTENTIONED. someone's heart is in the right place = (One) means well or is good at heart, even if they don't always do the right thing; (one) is well intentioned. His speech at the wedding was horribly embarrassing, but his heart was definitely in the right place.
The death was just a freak accident. They say his luck STOPPED I had my luck STOPPED when I was in South America. I nearly starved. someone's luck ran out = for one's good luck to stop; for one's good fortune to come to an end I hate to have my luck run out just when I need it.
That politician has recently enjoyed a high POPULARITY in the polls. He is really popular. The president's POPULARITY in the polls declined sharply. someone's standing in the polls = (=how popular a poll shows them to be)
The performers added SPECIAL SOUNDS to the song, tooting like train whistles at the end. sound effects = SPECIAL SOUNDS
We have been talking about food all morning, WHILE WE ARE TALKING ABOUT THIS SUBJECT, would you like to go get some lunch? speaking of which= "while we are talking about this subject; BY THE WAY
Let's DIVIDE IN TWO EQUAL PARTS the cost The family is DIVIDED TWO IN EQUAL PARTS on this issue. This issue has SPLIT the Democratic Party IN TWO EQUAL PARTS. split/ DIVIDE down the middle = to separate, or to divide something, into two equal parts Let’s split the work down the middle.
It doesn't make sense to buy two of these huge drinks for two children. Why not get an extra glass and DIVIDE/ SPLIT DOWN TO THE MIDDLE? mix the mayonnaise DOWN TO THE MIDDLE DIVIDE/ SPLIT DOWN TO THE MIDDLE split half-and-half → mezcle la mayonesa a partes iguales or mitad y mitad con el yogur → dividir algo en dos mitades (a partes iguales)
Politics makes AN ODD COUPLE TO COME TOGETHER. People whom you don't expect to work together, do. A notorious playboy musician and an ultra-conservative media pundit may be AN ODD COUPLE THAT COME TOGETHER, but the two are coming together all this month to bring a spotlight to suicide awareness. I thought that the two writers would make AN ODD COUPLE COMING TOGETHER, given the drastically different nature of their writing, but the books they've co-written actually work really well. strange bedfellows = A pair of people, things, or groups connected in a certain situation or activity but extremely different in overall characteristics, opinions, ideologies, lifestyles, behaviors, etc.
He just spoke whatever came to his mind. It was a - EXPRESS YOUR THOUGHT AS THEY COME - speech. It was EXPRESS YOUR THOUGHT AS THEY COME with no therapist to interrupt, no fifty-minute time limit, no external force to interfere with its flow. stream-of-consciousness = If you describe what someone writes or says as a stream of consciousness, you mean that it expresses their thoughts as they occur, rather than in a structured way.
I will let you have that for free, but IN THE MOST LITERAL/ PRECISE SENSE, we aren't allowed to give them away [don't tell the boss]. THE MOST LITERAL/ PRECISE SENSE, we're not supposed to use the lab after hours, but there's really no way to avoid it. strictly speaking = In the most literal or precise sense. Strictly speaking, nobody under 18 can join this club, but as you are nearly 18... ♢ Strictly speaking, a tomato is a fruit, not a vegetable.
So you didn't win the lottery after all? THAT'S THE WAY THINGS HAPPEN! Oh, well. Everything can't be perfect. THAT'S THE WAY THINGS HAPPEN! So I failed my test. THAT'S THE WAY THINGS HAPPEN! I can take it again some time. such is life = That is the way things happen!=THAT'S THE WAY THE COOKIE CRUMBLES He didn’t get the prize he was hoping for. But such is life, I suppose.
He was so polite to the angry customer; his story was MADE TO SEEM ATTRACTIVE. (ADJ) Stop giving me (PRESENTED IN A MANNER THAT IS EASY TO ENDURE, COPE WITH) responses whenever I ask about the state of the project. I need to know how it's actually progressing! sugar-coated /ˌʃʊɡər ˈkoʊtɪd/= (disapproving) made to seem attractive, in a way that tricks people It doesn't have to be sugarcoated, but you should aim to be a bit more empathetic when you deliver a prognosis to one of you patients.
Don't DEODORIZE. SOFTEN ( THE NEWS ) it for me, Doc—is my wife going to make it? My grandmother was never one to ATTENUATE / LIGHTEN her criticisms. If she thought you had messed up, she would tell you in no uncertain terms. /ˌʃʊɡər ˈkoʊtɪd/= To say, explain, or present something in a manner that is easier to accept, understand, cope with, or endure.
The competition was fierce. THE ONE WHO IS STRONGEST WILL WIN In business, THE ONE WHO IS STRONGEST WILL WIN THE ONE WHO IS STRONGEST WILL WIN will determine which farms make it. survival of the fittest = the continued existence of organisms which are best adapted to their environment, with the extinction of others, as a concept in the Darwinian theory of evolution.
The rescue guides trained the skiers in avalanche SURVIVAL TECHNICS survival tactics
The government now has in place THE MOST IMPORTANT PART of a plan to handle further political setbacks in that area. Her desire to speak openly and vulnerably about her emotions and inner workings forms THE MOST IMPORTANT PART of her music. the backbone of a plan = THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF ... She is the backbone of the family.
If you cheat on an exam, even if you pass, THE ONE WHO LOOSES THE MOST will be you, not anyone else. the biggest loser = THE ONE WHO LOOSES THE MOST
They expected huge financial losses, but the THE BALANCE OF PROFITS / LOSSES did not look bad. What is THE BALANCE OF PROFITS / LOSSES for this quarter? How much do I owe you? Don't tell me all those figures! Just tell me THE BALANCE. 1.THE BOTTOM LINE = Literally, the final figure on a statement showing a person or company's total profit or loss. The company’s bottom line is in bad shape.
You have all made compelling arguments, but THE MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT is that we need a viable, cost-effective solution, and I still don't think we've found one yet. THE MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT is that the great majority of our kids are physically unfit. THE MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT is he's a real nice guy and I don't want to hurt him. 2. the bottom line= By extension, the most important aspect of something. We’ve had some success this year, but the bottom line is that the business is still losing money.
These large corporations are only driven by PROFIT OR THE DESIRE FOR PROFIT. They couldn't care less whether their product is durable. THE BOTTOM LINE = 3. Profit or the desire for profit as an ultimate goal.


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