9.1 The Nervous System


FlashCards sobre 9.1 The Nervous System, criado por itstinachen em 21-01-2015.
FlashCards por itstinachen, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por itstinachen mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Central Nervous System - brain and spinal cord
Peripheral Nervous System carry info between CNS and rest of body - ganglion cell and nerves
Somatic Nervous System Nerves running to organs at the body surface -Controls skeletal muscles, bones and skin -Voluntary action - Ex. moving away from something warm
Autonomic Nervous System Nerves running within inner organs - Controls smooth muscles, cardiac muscles, and glands - Involuntary action - Ex. Blinking
Sympathetic Nervous System Prepares body for stress - Nerves stimulate internal organs for action - Ex. Fight or flight
Parasympathetic Nervous System Returns body to normal after adjustments to stress -Nerves cause inhibition of reactions in internal organs -Conserves energy
Nervous System Cells Glial cells: non-conducting - support cells for neuron Neurons: - conduct nerve impulses - 3 types: sensory, motor, interneuron
- Sensory (afferent) neurons o have sensory receptors that detect stimuli from environment and relay it to CNS o highly sensitive to a particular type of stimulation Ex. touch, light, chemicals o located in clusters called ganglia (sing. ganglion) outside of the spinal cord
Motor (efferent) neurons Excited by other neurons and conduct impulses from CNS to effectors such as muscles, glands, and organs
Interneurons o links neurons together o integrate and interpret sensory information and relay to motor neurons o nervous system consists mostly of these
Nodes of Ranvier Gaps between myelin sheath o Impulses jump from node to node → speed up impulse - Impulses move faster in myelinated neurons - Larger the diameter of axon, faster the speed of impulse
Myelin sheath - Insulated covering over axon -Prevents loss of charged ions from nerve cell -Produced by Schwann cells (special glial cells)
Neurilemma Membrane surrounding the axon of some neurons Promote regeneration of damaged axons
white matter Nerves that have myelin sheath and neurilemma, can regenerate
grey matter without myelin sheath and neurilemma are called grey matter (don’t regenerate; damage is permanent)


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