Types of nurses


I don´t know what type of nurse want to be, yet. But I'm 100% secure that I love my career. I could be a Critical Care Nurse or Emergency Nurse because I love the action! And I want make a good job that help to save lives. I would also like to be a nurse surgical because it is a very exciting job, being in a operating room, helping to operate.
FlashCards por almadelia_09, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por almadelia_09 aproximadamente 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Cardiovascular Nursing Provides specialized care for people with cardiovascular health medical and / or surgical at different stages of life.
Community Health Nursing Nurse who works in community care, outpatient care, preventive medicine units and disease control; and in the public system of health management and evaluation.
Critical Care Nursing Nurse performs advanced procedures for diagnosis, treatment and comprehensive care of the seriously ill.
Gerontological Nursing Nurse provides care to sick or healthy elderly and the multidisciplinary team and family
Perinatal Nursing Nurse makes interventions in the field of reproductive health; performs the assessment, diagnosis and care of low-risk pregnant woman and the newborn.
Pediatric Nursing Nurse performs specialized interventions for the care of child and adolescent health and disease.
Rehabilitation Nursing Professional specializing in the care of people with physical disabilities.
Oncology Nursing Specialist care of people with oncological disorders.
Medical-Surgical Nursing Professional knowledge and skills to function effectively in surgery, administer the surgical department and collaborate with the health team in troubleshooting the candidate for surgery patient.
Nephrology Nursing Nephrology Nurses help patients with kidney diseases or abnormal kidney functions. One of their most important duties is to assist patients with their dialysis treatments.
Emergency Nursing. The nursing specialty that encompasses caring for patients of all age groups and conditions, from delivering babies and resuscitating trauma arrests to administering medication.


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