Texas sharpshooter fallacy


An extension to the poster made
Luca Battaglia
FlashCards por Luca Battaglia, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Luca Battaglia
Criado por Luca Battaglia aproximadamente 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is this fallacy often mistaken for? Cherry picking
Is this fallacy formal or informal? Informal
When was the idea of the "Texan sharpshooter" conceptualised? 1866
Who wrote "The Logic of Chance" where this fallacy was conceptualised? John Venn
True or false: John Venn mentions the shooter being Texan in his explanation hence the dubbed name? False: John does not mention that the shooter was Texan instead it had that stigma attached to it
What was the real life or current example used of this fallacy being shown? The banning vapes discussion
"This essentially ______ cause and effect" A. Alters B. Cancels out C. Reverses D. Praises E. Fakes C.
What does the hypothetical shooter do to make it seem like he is a great shot? Shoot holes into the side of barn and paint bullseyes around the holes.


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