What is an information system?


FlashCards sobre What is an information system?, criado por seamc003.303 em 10-09-2013.
FlashCards por seamc003.303, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por seamc003.303 aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is data? Data is raw facts and figures
What is information? The meaning that we attach to data
Give 2 examples of computerized information systems DVLA Sims
What are the advantages of a computerized information system? A single computer can store all the information Multiple access at the same time Information is not duplicated Information can be transferred easily
What are the disadvantages of a computerized information system? If the computer is not working information can not be added, processed or accessed. Users have to be trained. The computer system must be secure.
Give an example of a manual information system Telephone directory
Give one advantage of a manual information system With only one piece of information, you can find the missing pieces within the manual information system
Give a disadvantage of a manual information system If there is duplicate, it is hard to differentiate between the information (e.g. if someone has the same surname)
Name the three stages of doing tasks Input (of data) Process(ing of data) Output (of information)
Draw the IPO diagram to show how information systems work


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