Top 200 drugs November 2019


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Sam Adeyiga
FlashCards por Sam Adeyiga, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Sam Adeyiga
Criado por Sam Adeyiga mais de 5 anos atrás

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Atorvastatin Brand Lipitor
Atorvastatin Dosage form Tablets 10, 20, 40, 80 mg QD
Atorvastatin AE Myopathy, dyspepsia Constipation, diarrhea
Atorvastatin Counseling Avoid overexposure to sunlight due to possibility of photosensitivity. Use sunscreen and appropriate cloth till level of sensitivity is determined
Atorvastatin Monitor LFT Lipid Panel
Atorvastatin Prego category Category X
Ezetimibe Brand Zetia
Ezetimibe Dosage Form Tablet 10 mg (* only available Conc) QD
Ezetimibe AE Myopathy/rhabdomyolysis Myalgia, Increased CPK, Hepatitis, Increased liver transaminases Arthralgia, urticaria, thrombocytopenica
Atorvastatin DDI 1. May increase DIGOXIN 2. Lipitor level may be REDUCED in the body when use w/ gemfibozil, GRAPEFRUIT, clarithromycin, antifungal, HIV drugs and CYCLOSPORINE
Ezetimibe DDI 1. Zetia level in the body will increase w/ gemfibrozil and fenofibrate use 2. Zetia level will DECREASE in the body with the use of Cholestryamine
Ezetimibe counseling 1. Take 2 hrs before or 4 hrs after taking Cholestryramine
Ezetimibe monitoring Lipid panel
Ezetimibe prego category category C
Fenofibrate Brand Tricor Lipofen
Fenofibrate Dosage form Tablets: 54 mg and 160 mg Capsule: 134mg and 200 mg (red capsule) *Recommended: 134 - 200 mg PO QD
Fenofibrate DDI 1. Lipofen may increase effect of WARFARIN 2. Cholestyramine may decrease the effect of absorption of lipofen 3. avoid use w/ STATINs bc of an increase risk of rhabdomyolysis
Fenofibrate AE 1. Muscle pain, rash, tenderness or weakness 2. Pain: resp disorder, abdominal pain, back pain and headache
Fenofibrate counseling 1. Take w/ meal to increase absorption
Fenofibrate monitoring LFT RFT Lipid panel
Fenofibrate prego category Avoid in pregnancy and lactation/nursing
Gemfibrozil Brand Lopid
Gemfibrozil Dosage Form 1. Tablet: 600 mg (only) * RD 737 and Lopid written on it 2. 600 mg PO BID (30 mins b4 a.m. and p.m. meal)
Gemfibrozil DDI 1. May enhance anticoagulant meds (Warfarin, DOACs, UFH and LMWH) 2. Administration w/ LOVASTATIN may cause severe myopathy or rhabdomyolysis
Gemfibrozil AE 1. Dyspepsia, abdominal pain 2. diarrhea, nausea, fatigue
Gemfibrozil counseling 1. May cause dizziness 2. May cause blurred vision
Gemfibrozil monitor Lipid panel LFT FBG
Gemfibrozil prego category Category B
Fenofibrate (nanocrystallized) Brand Tricor
Fenofibrate (nanocrystallized) Dosage forms Tablets: 48 mg (peach color and has F1 written on it); 145 mg (white color and has F0 written on it) *Recommended dosage: 145 mg PO QD w/ meal ** Renal impairment: Initial dose = 48 mg PO QD w/ meal
Fenofibrate (nanocrystallized) monitor LFT RFT Lipid panel
Fenofibrate (nanocrystallized) prego category Category C
Lovastatin Brand Mevacor
Lovastatin Dosage Form Tablets: 10 mg (peach color, MSD 730) 20 mg (purple color, MSD 731) 40 mg (green color, MSD 732) * Recommended dosage: 20 mg PO QD w/ evening meal ** Increase dosage @ 4 wk interval for max response.
Lovastatin DDI 1. Avoid coadministrtaion w/ GEMFIBROZIL due to severe myopathy and rhabdomyolysis. 2. Avoid GRAPEFRUIT juice, it increases mevacor level in the body
Lovastatin AE 1. Myalgia, blurred vision 2. dyspepsia, abdominal cramps, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, nausea, headache, rash/pruritus, flatus
Lovastatin counseling 1. take med w/ meal 2. Avoid exposure to sunlight.
Lovastatin monitor LFT Lipid panel
Lovastatin prego category Category X
Niacin (ER) Brand Niaspan
Niacin (ER) Dosage Form Tablets ER: 500 mg (500 written on it) 750 mg (750 written on it) 1000 mg (1000 written on it) * Start w/ 500 mg at bedtime for 4 wks
Niacin (ER) DDI 1. Rare cases of rhabdomyolysis has occurred in Niacin + Statins dual therapy 2. Cholestyramine may decrease the effect of absorption of niacin, give a minimum of 4 hrs b4 or after administration of Cholestyramine
Niacin (ER) AE 1. Flushing 2. Pruritus (itching) and rash.
Niacin (ER) counseling 1. take at bedtime w/ a low fat snack 2. Do not take on empty stomach 3. Flushing subsides after a few weeks 4. ASA or NSAIDs taken shortly b4 bedtime may reduce flushing 5. Avoid taking OTC supplement w/ Niacin w/o 1st checking w/ your prescriber 6. Swallow tablet whole and do not break, crush or chew
Omega-3-Acid Brand Lovaza
Omega-3-Acid Dosage Form Liquid-Filled Gel Capsule: 1000 mg capsule contains 900 mg ethyl esters of Omega-3 fatty acid (including ~ 465 mg EPA and 375 mg DHA) * Takes 4 capsules (4000 mg) either QD or divided two doses w/ meal
Omega-3-Acid DDI May increase bleeding time w/ anticoagulants (Warfarin, DOACs, UFH, LMWH)
Omega-3-Acid AE 1. Angina 2. Back pain 3. Dyspepsia 4. belching 5. rash 6. Miscellaneous infection 7. Taste perversion 8. Flu-like snxs
Omega-3-Acid counseling 1. Take w/ food 2. Store away from sunlight and children
Omega-3-Acid monitor Lipid panel
Omega-3-Acid prego category Category C
Pravastatin Brand Pravachol
Pravastatin Dosage Form Tablets 10 mg (peach color, 10 on the tab) 20 mg (yellow color, 20 on the tab) 40 mg (green color, 40 on the tab) 80 mg (orange color, 80 on the tab) * Start w/ 10-20 mg PO QD HS
Pravastatin DDI 1. Coadministration of pravachol w/ Cholestyramines or colestipol = decrease of pravachol. Give pravachol 1 hr b4 or 4 hrs after Cholestyramines or colestipol. 2. Not affected by GRAPEFRUIT juice
Pravachol AE 1. Muscle pain 2. dyspepsia, headache, rash, Flu
Pravastatin counseling 1. Do not become pregnant during therapy 2. Avoid sunlight 3. Limit alcohol intake
Pravastatin monitor LFT Lipid panel
Pravastatin prego category Category X
Rosuvastatin Brand Crestor
Rosuvastatin Dosage Form Tablets: 5 mg (orange color) 10, 20, 40 mg (peach color) * Maintenance dose: 5 - 40 mg PO QD
Rosuvastatin DDI 1. Avoid using the same time as CYSLOSPORINE, it increased crestor level by 7 - 11 folds 2. Use w/ warfarin = rise in INR 3. Use w/ gemfibrozil = increase crestor by 2 X 4. Use w/ ANTACIDS w/n 2 hrs = decrease crestor plasma levels
Rosuvastatin AE 1. Myalgia 2. asthenia 3. Abd pain, nausea
Rosuvastatin counseling Same as Statins * avoid exposure to sunlight * No pregnancy during therapy * limit alcohol use
Rosuvastatin monitor LFT Lipid panel
Rosuvastatin prego category Category X
Simvastatin Brand Zocor
Simvastatin Dosage Form Tablets 5, 10, 20, 40, 80 mg * Ususal dose is 10 - 40 mg PO QD
Simvastatin DDI 1. May increase Warfarin or digoxin levels 2. Contraindicated in pt taking gemfibrozil, immunosuppressive agents, itraconazole, ketoconazole, HIV drugs, GRAPEFRUIT juice, nefazodone 3. Do not exceed 10 mg daily when used w/ verapamil or diltiazem. 4. Do not exceed 20 mg daily when used w/ Amiodrone, Amlodipine or ranolazine
Simvastatin AE 1. May cause optic nerve degeneration 2. Muscle pain 3. dyspepsia 4. Constipation
Simvastatin counseling Just like other statins 1. Avoid overexposure to sunlight 2. Limit alcohol intake 3. No pregnancy during this therapy
Simvastatin monitor LFT Lipid panel
Simvastatin prego category Category X
Bumetanide Brand Bumex
Bumetanide Dosage Form Tablet: 0.5, 1, 2 mg **** Injection: 0.25 mg/mL **** * Oral: Give 0.5 - 2 mg daily in one or two doses
Bumetanide DDI 1. Do not use w/ Aminoglycosides (Gentamicin, neomycin etc) or cisplatin (chemo drug) bc it could increase the risk of auditory toxicity 2. Be careful in pt w/ hypersensitivity to sulfonamides
Bumetanide AE 1. Dizziness 2. Hypotension 3. Muscle cramps 4. Impaired hearing 5. Hypokalemia 6. hyperuricemia 7. hypochloremia 8. hyponatremia 9. Hyperglacemia 10. Azotemia
Bumetanide counseling 1. May be taken w/ food or milk if GI upset occurs 2. Usual take med in the morning bc of diuresis 3. May cause orthostatic hypotension - use care when standing
Bumetanide monitor K
Bumetanide prego category Category C
Clorthalidone Brand Hygroton
Clorthalidone Dosage Form Tablets: 25 and 50 mg only
Clorthalidone DDI 1. May increase lithium serum level 2. May decrease sulfonylurea hypoglycemia 3. Use w/ diazoxide may cause hyperglycemia 4. electrolyte disturbances may cause DIGI-TALIS-induced arrhythmias
Clorthalidone AE 1. Dry mouth 2. Muscle cramps 3. N and V 4. Anemia 5. Weakness 6. dizziness 7. Orthostatic hypotension 8. Anorexia 9. GI distress 10. Constipation 11. Hyperglycemia 12. Photosensitivity 13. rash 14. transient blurred vision
Clorthalidone counseling 1. May be taken w/ food or milk for if GI upset occurs 2. Avoid excessive exposure to sunlight 3. Usually given in the morning bc of diuresis
Clorthalidone monitor N/A
Clorthalidone prego category Category B
Furosemide Brand Lasix
Furosemide Dosage Form Tablet: 20, 40, 80 mg Oral solution: 10 mg/mL, 40 mg/5mL Injection: 10m
Furosemide DDI 1. Do not use w/ Aminoglycosides (Gentamicin, neomycin etc) or cisplatin (chemo drug) bc it could increase the risk of auditory toxicity 2. electrolyte disturbances may cause DIGITALIS-induced arrhythmias 3. Additive hypokalemia effect may occur w/ other K-depleted drugs.
Furosemide AE 1. Dizziness 2. Orthostatic hypotension 3. dry mouth 4. Hearing loss 5. nausea 6. vomiting 7. Weakness 8. Muscle cramps 9. paresthesia 10. Anemia 11. Hyposensitivity 12. purpura 13. rash 14. hyperglycemia
Furosemide counseling 1. may be taken w/ food if GI upset occurs 2. Usually given in the morning bc of diuresis 3. Don't take OTC cough or cold med, antacids, laxatives or antidiarrheal, w/o talking to your prescriber 4. Avoid overexposure to sunlight 5. May cause orthostatic hypotension
Furosemide monitor K
Furosemide prego category Category C
HCTZ Brand Microzide
HCTZ Dosage Form Tablet: 12.5, 25, 50 mg Capsule: 12.5 mg [blue and white capsule] ** Take 25 -50 mg daily in a single dose or divided oral dose
HCTZ DDI ****Same as Chlorthalidone**** 1. May increase lithium serum level 2. May decrease sulfonylurea hypoglycemia 3. Use w/ diazoxide may cause hyperglycemia 4. electrolyte disturbances may cause DIGITALIS-induced arrhythmias
HCTZ AE 1. Dry mouth 2. Muscle cramps 3. Orthostatic Hypotension 4. dizziness 5. weakness 6. anorexia 7. Anemia 8. Nausea and Vomiting 9. Diarrhea and constipation 10. hyperglycemia 11. Photosensitivity 12. rash 13. transient blurred vision
HCTZ counseling 1. May be taken w/ food or milk if GI upset occurs 2. Take early in the morning bc of diuresis 3. Avoid excessive exposure to Sunlight
HCTZ monitor BP K
HCTZ prego category Category B
Metolazone Brand Zaroxolyn
Metolazone Dosage Form Tablets: 2.5, 5, 10 mg * Give 5 - 20 mg QD
Metolazone DDI 1. Avoid using w/ furosemide cus of potentially serious loss of fluid and electrolytes 2. Additive effects w/ antihypertensive meds 3. May decrease effectiveness of methenamine 4. Non steroidal anti-inflammatory agents may decrease Zaroxolyn effectiveness 5. May increase the effect of neuromuscular blocking agents 6. May increase lithium serum level 7. May decrease sulfonylurea hypoglycemia 8 Use w/ diazoxide may cause hyperglycemia 9. electrolyte disturbances may cause DIGITALIS-induced arrhythmias.
Metolazone AE 1. Dry mouth 2. Muscle cramps 3. Orthostatic Hypotension 4. dizziness 5. weakness 6. anorexia 7. Anemia 8. Nausea and Vomiting 9. Diarrhea and constipation 10. hyperglycemia 11. Photosensitivity 12. rash 13. transient blurred vision 14. joint pain or gout attack
Metolazone counseling 1. May take w/ food or milk if GI upset occurs 2. Take in the morning bc of diuresis 3. Avoid excessive exposure to sunlight
Metolazone monitor Na K
Metolazone prego category Category B
Spironolactone Brand Aldactone
Spironolactone Dosage Form Tablets 25, 50, 100 mg ** Give initially 100 mg QD w/ adjustment at 5 day intervals to a maintenance dose of 25 - 200 mg per day
Spironolactone DDI 1. Use w/ captoril and other K-sparing could result in hyperkalemia
Spironolactone AE 1. Paresthesia 2. Weakness 3. Mental confusion 4. Dry mouth 5. Muscle cramps 6. Drowsiness 7. Diarrhea 8. Headache 9. Amenorrhea 10. gynecomastia 11. nausea/vomiting
Spironolactone counseling 1. May take w/ food or milk if GI upset occurs 2. Take in the morning bc of diuresis 3. May cause drowsiness, be careful when operating machinery or need mental alertness
Spironolactone monitor Fluid and Electrolyte imbalance BEERs List >25mg/day
Spironolactone prego category Category B
Torsemide Brand Demadex
Torsemide Dosage Form Tablets 5, 10, 20 100 mg * Give initial dose of 5 - 10 mg PO QD
Torsemide DDI 1. Salicylate excretion may decrease 2. caution w/ pt taking non-steroidal inflammatory agents due to possible renal dysfunction. 3. Indomethacin and probenecid may decrease effectiveness of torsemide 4. Cholestyramine may decrease oral bioavailability if given at the same time 5. Other diuretics have been reported to increase the toxicity of lithium and Aminoglycosides
Torsemide AE Excessive urination
Torsemide counseling 1. May take w/ food or milk if GI upset occurs 2. Take in the morning bc of diuresis 3. Don't take OTC cough or cold med, antacids, laxatives or antidiarrheal, w/o talking to your prescriber
Torsemide monitor K Electrolytes
Torsemide prego category Category B
Isosorbide Mononitrate Brand Imdur
Isosorbide Mononitrate Dosage Form Tablets (ER) 30 (peach color), 60, 120 mg ** Normal daily dose is 30 -120 mg QD at A.M.
Isosorbide Mononitrate DDI 1. Alcohol may increase hypotensive effects 2. Additive effects may occur w/ other vasodilators especially CCBs
Isosorbide Mononitrate AE 1. Headache 2. dizziness 3. rash 4. cutaneous vasodilation w/ flushing, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, tinnitus, blurred vision, acne or anxiety
Isosorbide Mononitrate counseling 1. May cause flushing and dizziness 2. May cause headache = sign of effectiveness (use ASA or APAP to trt headache, prn) 3. Swallowed whole or halved, do not crush or chew 4. Avoid alcohol when taking Imdur
Isosorbide Mononitrate monitor BP Volume depletion
Isosorbide Mononitrate prego category Category B
Nitroglycerin Brand Nitrosatat Nitroquick
Nitroglycerin Dosage Form Sublingual and Injectable Tablets, sublingual: 0.3, 0.4, 0.6 mg Injection: 5 mg/mL
Nitroglycerin DDI 1. Heparin effect may decrease 2. Sildenafil citrate may increase hypotensive effect 3. dihydorergotamine may have increased effect
Nitroglycerin AE 1. Transient headache 2. nausea and vomiting 3. dizziness 4. Flushing of face or neck 5. rapid pulse
Nitroglycerin counseling 1. Store away from sunlight in a glass or metal container 2. Avoid alcohol, it may aggravate angina 3. Pt shd sit down when taking sublingual nitrostat to avoid lightheadedness and fainting 4. To avoid leaching, dispense tablets in original container (glass) and counsel on keeping them in the original container (to avoid leaching) 5. Close container tightly after use 6. Tablet taste bitter (tingling sensation) upon use, if not replace w/ a new supply. 7. Dissolve tablet under the tongue (do not swallow) at the first sign of attach. Do not wait until angina is severe 8. After placing first tablet under tongue, if angina is not relieved w/n 5 minutes, dissolve the second tablet under tongue and then a third tablet if necessary. 9. If pain continues or increase, notify physician or go to ER
Nitroglycerin monitor BP (hypotension) hypovolemia
Nitroglycerin prego category Category C
Ranolazine Brand Ranexa
Ranolazine Dosage Form Tablets (ER) 500 and 1000 mg
Ranolazine DDI *** Lots of drugs see the drug card
Ranolazine AE 1. dizziness 2. headache 3. constipation 4. nausea
Ranolazine counseling 1. May cause dizziness 2. May cause lightheadedness 3. May cause fainting spell 4. Swallow whole, do not crush, chew or break tablets 5. Inform your PCP if taking OTC medication
Ranolazine monitor BP RFT QT interval prolongation
Ranolazine prego category No data available for prego and lactation
Triamterene w/ HCTZ Brand Dyazide Maxzide
Triamterene w/ HCTZ Dosage Form Dyazide capsule = 37.5 triamterene, 25 mg HCTZ Maxzide-25 tablet = 37.5 mg triamterene, 25 mg HCTZ Maxzide tablet = 75 mg triamterene, 50 mg HCTZ **Take 1 - 2 doses twice a day
Triamterene w/ HCTZ DDI 1. Toxic effects of cardiac glycosides, diazoxide and lithium may increase 2. Hyperkalemia may result from use of K-sparing diuretics, K supplement or ACEIs 3. Sulfonylureas may have decreased effects
Triamterene w/ HCTZ AE 1. Dry mouth 2. MUSCLE CRAMPS 3. Orthostatic Hypotension 4. dizziness 5. WEAKNESS 6. Impotence 7. Nausea and Vomiting 8. Diarrhea and constipation 9. hyperglycemia 10. Photosensitivity 12. RASH 13. transient blurred vision
Triamterene w/ HCTZ counseling 1. Use in the morning bc of diuresis 2. May take w/ food or milk if GI upset occurs 3. Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight
Triamterene w/ HCTZ monitor K
Triamterene w/ HCTZ prego category Category C


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