Questão | Responda |
Present simple | 1. a habit 2. a fact or something true Structure: (infinitive / Base form) Example: I often start School at 7:00 a.m. |
Present Continuous | 1. an activity now 2. a teporary activity 3. an arranged future Structure: (is / am / are + -ing) Example: We`re studying gramatical tenses. |
Present Perfect Simple | 1. an action that occurred in the past and connects to now. 2. a past experience Structure: (Have/has + past participle) Example: They`ve been studying since 2003. |
Present Perfect Simple | Words used: Adverbs: for, since, just, never, ever, yet Time expressions: today, recently, this morning. Example He`s has had a cell phone for 3 years. I`ve been a teacher since 1999. |
Present Perfect Continuous | 1. an activity thhat startedd in the past but continues up to now. |
Past simple | 1. a finished action in the past. Structure: (simple past form) Example: I studied in the twenty years ago. |
Past Continuous | 1. an activity in the past 2. an actifity in progress when another action took place. Structure: (was/were + -ing ) Example: I was watching Maleficent last weekend. |
Past Perfect Simple | 1. the past of the past (before /after/when) Structure: (had + past participle) Example: Juan was not at home, he had gone to the movies. |
Past Perfect Continuous | 1. a past activity of a past action Structure: (had + past participle) Example: I had been waiting for 20 minutes before she arrived to school. |
Future Simple - Will - | 1. Future facts 2. Predictions 3. Spontaneous decisions 4. primises, offers or threats Structure: (will + infinitive) Structure: We will finish class at 2:00 p.m. today. |
Future Simple - going to - | 1. Plans & decisions made before speaking. 2. Predictions made with present evidence. Structure: (going + to + infinitive) Example: She`s going to play soccer at the game. |
Future Continuous - time - | 1. an activity in the future Structure: (will + be + verb + -ing ) Example: I will be traveling to tomorrowland next year. |
Future Perfect Simple | 1. an action that will be completed sometime in the future (by / in) Structure: (will + been + past participle) Example: By June, I will have been finished the transition. |
Future Perfect Continuous | 1. an activity will be completed some time in the future. Structure: (will + have + been + verb+ing) Example: In October, I will have been here for 2 and a half years. |
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