Gen Bio Lab Final


General Biology Lab Final-Dr. Dawson PSU
FlashCards por CLAIRE SCHMIDT, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por CLAIRE SCHMIDT mais de 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
RED ALGAE: chlorophyll A & B, Floridean starch, and Agar
BROWN ALGAE: chlorophyll A & C, Laminarin, Algenic Acid
BLUE-GREEN ALGAE: Chlorophyll, Glycogen, proteoglycan walls (protein walls), NITROGEN FIXERS!
GREEN ALGAE: Chlorophyll A & B; Starch, and Cellulose; simplistic organism that goes through differentiation
MOSS: chlorophyll A & B, non photosynthetic
FERN: Chlorophyll A & B, cellulose and starch; needs water for reproduction; sori is the beginning of reproduction
FEMALE PINECONE; eggs on top of branches
MALE PINECONE: Pollen on bottom of branches
FLOWERING PLANT: produces flowers
ASCOMYCETES: produces asci, 8 spores for cell reproduction, spores on inside
BASIDIOMYCETES: produces basidia, mushrooms of commerce, spores sit on top open to the world
LICHEN: algae on top and bottom?
ECHNIODERMS: start bilaterally symmetric and become radically symmetric; dueterostomes
CLASS MAMMALS: have mammory glands, covered in hair
PHYLUM ARTHROPODS: chitinous exoskeleton & jointed appendages
CLASS AVES: have feathers and scales on legs,
PHYLUM NEMATHELMINTHES (roundworm): unsegmented, most are parasites, separate sexes
PHYLUM ANNELIDA (segmented worms): segmented, complex organ systems
CLASS REPITILA: breathe with lungs, cold-blooded, eggs are surrounded by shells and laid on land, skin covered with scales
PHYLUM PORIFERA (sponges): stiff skeletons of calcium carbonate, silicon spicules or spongin fibers
CLASS CHONDRICHTHYES: cartilaginous skeleton, skin covered with placoid scales
ANGIOSPERMS (flowering plants): produce flowers
PHYLUM ARTHROPODS: chitinous exoskeleton & jointed appendages
PHYLUM ECHINODERMATA: start bilaterally symmetric and become radically symmetric; dueterostomes
PHYUM CHORDATA: specifically Amphioxus-
COELENTERATES: part of cnidarians; come in 3 classes
CLASS AGNATHA: jawless fish
CLASS AMPHIBIA: moist glandular skin, 3-chambered heart, gill-breathing larvae become lung-breathing adults
CLASS OSTEICHTHYES: bony fish-skeletons of bone
PHYLUM MOLLUSCA: shells of calcium carbonate


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