

Plants, types of Plants, reproduction
Natalia Ramos Escalada
FlashCards por Natalia Ramos Escalada, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Natalia Ramos Escalada
Criado por Natalia Ramos Escalada aproximadamente 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What do plants need to make their own food? Water, minerals, carbon dioxide and sunlight
Which part of the plant absorbs water and minerals from the soil? Roots
Which part of the plant carries water and food? Stem
In which part of the plant does photosynthesis take place? In the leaf
Which gas do plants absorb from the air through small holes in their leaves? Carbon dioxide
Which gas do plants release during photosynthesis? Oxygen
Why does photosynthesis happen during the day? Because plants need sunlight
Do the plants breathe? Why? Yes, they do Because they are living things
Which gas do plants take in when they breathe? Oxygen
Which gas do plants release when they breathe? Carbon Dioxide
Plants are classified as Flowering and non flowering
Which are the reproductive organs of a flowering plant? Stigma Stamen Ovary
Which part of the flower produces pollen? Stamen
Which part of the flower receives the pollen? Stigma
What's the first stage of a plant's life cycle? Pollen lands on stigma
What's the second stage of a plant's life cycle? A seed develops inside the ovary
What's the third stage of a plant's life cycle? The ovary takes the form of a fruit and the petals fall
What's the fourth stage of a plant's life cycle? The fruit falls and opens
What's the fifth stage of a plant's life cycle? The seed germinates and a new plant grows
What's the last stage of a plant's life cycle? The new plant produces flowers
According to stems plants are classified as.. Grass Bushes Trees
Which plants have a soft, thin, flexible and short stem? Grass or Herbaceous plants
Which plants have a thick, hard stem with low branches? Bushes
Which plants have a hard stem called trunk? Trees
Trees that keep leaves in autumn are... evergreen
Trees that don't keep leaves in autumn are... decidious
Flowering plants are classified in... Angiosperms and gymnosperms
Where do angiosperm plants produce the seeds? They produce the seeds inside the fruit
Where do gymnosperm plants develop the seeds? They develop the seeds in cones
Can you name angiosperms ? Roses Cherry trees Blackberry bushes Rice Wheat
Can you name gymnosperms? Pine tree Fir tree
What do non flowering plants produce? They produce spores which they release into the air
Can you name non flowering plants? Mosses Ferns


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