The Paris of Surrealism


Surrealism FlashCards sobre The Paris of Surrealism , criado por Ashley Saville em 28-12-2019.
Ashley Saville
FlashCards por Ashley Saville, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Ashley Saville
Criado por Ashley Saville aproximadamente 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Dali, The Phenomenon of Ecstasy 1933
Picasso, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, 1906
De Chirico, Enigma of the Day, 1914
de Chirico, Mystery and Melancholy of the Street, 1914
de Chirico, The Brain of the Child, 1914
Magritte, Son of Man, 1946
Magritte, Golconda 1953
Jacques-Andre Boiffard, Hôtel des Grands Hommes
Photograph in Breton’s Nadja, 1928 (flea market)
Photograph in Breton’s Nadja, 1928 (Sphinx Hotel)
Jacques Andre Boiffard, Nadja, 1928/1964
Photograph in Breton’s Nadja, 1928
The Lovers’ Flower, 1926, drawing bound with manuscript of Nadja
The ‘Surrealist Street’ at the International Surrealist Exposition, Galerie Beaux-Arts, Paris, 1938
André Masson, Mannequin, 1938


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