

FlashCards sobre Altruism, criado por Cristelle Spaulding em 31-12-2019.
Cristelle Spaulding
FlashCards por Cristelle Spaulding, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Cristelle Spaulding
Criado por Cristelle Spaulding aproximadamente 5 anos atrás

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Questão Responda
Altruism Completely selfless helping with no expectation of reward
Prosocial Behaviour Helping behaviour with the intention of benefitting another person, but can also be hope of reward in return
Why do people help? Thoughts, feelings, perceptions of those in need, situational forces, internal motivations.
Evolutionary Perspective Evolutionary perspective as to why we help- to pass on genes
Kin Selection Theory and Inclusive Fitness Theory - We are more likely to help a close relative rather than a distant or non relative - We are more likely to help younger relatives than older ones.
STUDY: Korchmaros & Kenny (2001) (supporting Kin selection and inclusive fitness theory) Emotional closeness created a 0.63 probability of acting altruistically whereas genetic closeness created a 0.46. shows how genetic closeness and emotional closeness are key in deciding when to help.
STUDY: Wu, Cross, Wu, Cho, & Tey (2016) (Culture in helping mindset) It was found that culture has an impact. in all situations, Taiwanese people would rather help their mother, whereas US citizens would help their spouse- collectivist vs individualist culture.
Gender difference in helping ability (evolutionary) Men- capacity for faster action, stronger Women- providing nurture for offspring
Men and women are better helpers in different contexts: When do men and women help Women: - offer emotional support and are better at forming bonds - tend to help specific people Men- tend to help more when there is personal risk/heroism involved - men are more likely to accept a false blame than women
Inclusive Fitness Theory Inclusive fitness theory suggests that altruism among organisms who share a percentage of genes allows those genes to be passed on to subsequent generations
Kin Selection theory Kin selection is the evolutionary strategy that favors the reproductive success of an organism's relatives, even at a cost to the organism's own survival and reproduction. Kin altruism can look like altruistic behavior whose evolution is driven by kin selection
Kinship, Altruism and Aggression Altruism and aggression can be linked- there is intention for both that overlap- both want survival of their genes and their relatives. This can lead an organism to behave aggressively. There must be limited resources, where one group's loss is another's win. e.g: bear protecting offspring (altruism) by attacking predators (aggression)
Social Exchange theory Based on the mini-max principle and is related to behaviourism. We act based on rewards. These can be tangible or intangible things (e.g: social praise etc)
Negative state relief model This is the idea that, as helping improves our own mood, the rewards we seek when helping is our a change in our own mood.
Similarity between evolutionary and social exchange approach Although they have different focuses (distant drives versus proximal rewards), there is a similarity: Both think helping behavior is strategic and calculated and involves some kind of cost benefit analysis of the situation.
Empathy- Altruism Model It was suggested that whether a person responds with helping behaviour depends on whether they feel empathy for the person and their situation - Dovidio et al- ppts helped more when they identified with the problem - Oceja et al- they manipulated high vs low empathy and more resources were given when empathy was high
Empathy vs no-empathy (according to the empathy altruism model) If you don't feel empathy: you will only give help if it is in your interested to do so (social Exchange theory) If you do feel empathy: you will give help even if the cost outweighs the reward
Empathic Joy Hypothesis Helpers enjoy the positive reactions they get from those that they help
Competitive Altruism Approach Helpers enjoy the boost in social status they get from helping.
Reciprocal Altruism theory People help in the hope that others will help them in return
Defensive Helping People help the out-group to keep the in-group at a higher status and out-group dependent.
Kitty Genovese Case Walking home, attacked by man. 38 people witnessed it and only 1 helped. Leads us to say that people withold help when it is needed the most. Why?
'the bystander effect' This is when people do not bother helping as they assume that someone else will. This is what they think happened in Kitty's case.
Latane and Darley (evidence for bystander effect) Procedure: students sitting in a room, completing questionnaires in different conditions. Gradually room fills up with smoke. Results: If alone in the room, they would approach experimenter for help quickly, if they were with strangers, 38% of the time they approached for help but slowly If they were with others who ignored the smoke, only 10% of the time they asked for help.
decision model of bystander intervention
Factors that reduce helping behavior - experiencing social exclusion - feeling like no one is watching - economic value on our time
Factors that increase helping behavior - sense of community - accountability (engaging with others) - reflecting on self (identity and self worth)
Attribution Theory (who deserves our help) This theory claims that when someone comes to us for help, we ask ourselves 'why does this person need my help?' From this we make judgments of controlability and responsibility: - is this person responsible for their situation? - do they have control over their situation?
Schmidt and Weiner- victim responsibility study Procedure: person asked ppt for notes for 2 reasons: 1) they had eye problems and couldn't see the board in the lecture or 2) they went to the beach instead of the lecture Results: perceptions of control and responsibility were correlated with: - positively with anger - negatively with empathy and helping
Thoughts--> emotion--> action help needed--> situation uncontrollable and person is not responsible --> empathy--> help help needed--> situation controllable and person responsible --> anger--> no help
What factors affect empathy that shape our altruism? Empathy is the key component in altruism however, situational factors and judgments of responsibility shape our willingness to empathise.
Fostering helping behaviour - education - volunteer identity parental modelling - feelings of elevation
Schnall, Roper, Fessler (2010)- Elevation in helping behaviour Procedure: ppts either exposed to elevating (inspirational) video, neutral or funny comedian video. Results: Prosocial behaviour was increased when feelings of elevation were generated
Nadler and Halabi- how people react to being helped Felt belittled and humiliated: - dependency-oriented assistance - public nature of dependency - evaluative context - threatened self-esteem - distant social proximity Gratitude of the given help - autonomy-oriented assistance - private nature of dependency - non-evaluative context - non-ego-central help - close social proximity


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