ES200 (1/21)


FlashCards sobre ES200 (1/21), criado por Jacob Sipple em 16-01-2020.
Jacob Sipple
FlashCards por Jacob Sipple, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jacob Sipple
Criado por Jacob Sipple quase 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What are proxies a substitute for temp measurements(i.e. tree rings, pollen, oxygen iso, etc.) used to estimate temperatures of earth in the past
Stomata pores in leaves more of them means cooler temperature
O isotope used in climate research O-18
how O-18 is used ratio between O-16(normal oxygen) and O-18 used to estimate temp (sample-standard/standard)x1000 = delta 18-O
standard for Oxygen Standard Mean Ocean Water if more O-18 than normal in ratio means colder
What chemical used to estimate O-18/O-16 CACO3 in shells of foraminifera
How does O get in shells when the shell forms O comes from the ocean around it hydrogen combining with CO2 forming carbonic acid (red shells high O-18, black low O18)
how are shells collected get samples from drilling into ocean floor
When is Holocene epoch last 12,000 years
what epoch did the ice age occur Pleistocene Epoch
What 'caused' high temps 250mya volcanism(flood basalt)
CO2 55mya(compared to today) 2.5-5x today
glacier long-lasting body of ice large enough to move under it's own weight at least 10s of m
evidence for extent of glacial coverage boulders moved from source of bedrock, glacial striations
# of times glaciers advanced and receded over last 500,000years 5, drop 5 degrees C glaciers will form
how does rock weathering remove CO2 consumed by chemical weathering creating CaCO3 rock or shells
MilanKovitch Cyles variations in earth orbits when summers get less sun glaciers advance
eccentricity the elliptical orbit of the sun by the earth
temperature anomaly difference from baseline avg on same date
why not average temps to get global avg most collected data in developed countries


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