IB Business Management 1.1


Grade 12 Business Studies FlashCards sobre IB Business Management 1.1, criado por One Fish Two Fish em 18-01-2020.
One Fish Two Fish
FlashCards por One Fish Two Fish, atualizado more than 1 year ago
One Fish Two Fish
Criado por One Fish Two Fish mais de 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is a business? An organization that uses resources to meet the needs and wants of customers by providing products or service, TO EARN A PROFIT
What are business inputs? The resources that a business uses in the production process.
What are examples of business inputs? Capital (money and equipment), land, labor, enterprise
What are business outputs? The final goods and services. Examples: phones, computers, haircuts
What are consumer goods? Physical and tangible goods sold to the general public.
What is the difference between durable and non-durable customer goods? Durable: cars, washing machines Non-durable: food, drinks and sweets that can only be used once
Consumer services Non-tangible products that are sold to the general public
Capital goods physical goods that are used by industry to aid in the production of other goods and services such as machines and commercial vehicles
List the business functions (functional departments) production, marketing, finance and human resources
What is human resource management? - identifies the workforce needs, recruits, selects and trains appropriate employees and provides motivational systems -draws up contracts and covers redundancy of employees
What is finance and accounts? - monitoring the flow of finance into and out of the business -providing financial information to both senior management and other departments
Marketing - market research, analyzing consumer wants and needs - make important decisions concerning pricing, how and where to promote it and how to sell it and distribute it for sale
Operations management - the "production function" - converting raw goods into finished products, providing services - ensuring adequate resources, maintaining production and quality levels and achieving high levels of productive efficiency
What is an entrepreneur? An individual who takes the financial risk of starting and managing a new venture
What is an intrapreneur? someone within a large corporation who takes direct responsibility for turning an idea into a profitable finished product through 'entrepreneurial talent' such as risk-taking and innovation
Characteristics of an entrepreneur & intrapreneur - innovative, committed and self-motivated, multi-skilled, leadership skills, belief in oneself, risk-taker
Reasons for starting a business GET CASH Mnenomic: Growth, Earnings, Transference & Inheritance, Challenge, Autonomy, Security, Hobbies
Steps for starting a business write a business plan, obtain start-up capital, obtain business registration, open a business bank account, marketing
Problems that a new business may face Lack of finance, cash flow problems, marketing problems, unestablished customer base, lack of staff, legalities, production problems, high production costs, poor locations, external influences


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