Louisiana Salamander Species


Herpetology Spring 2020 FlashCards sobre Louisiana Salamander Species, criado por Emilie Broussard em 01-02-2020.
Emilie Broussard
FlashCards por Emilie Broussard, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Emilie Broussard
Criado por Emilie Broussard mais de 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Eel-like, no hindlimbs External gills Nocturnal, aquatic Statewide Water with bottom layer of muck Siren intermedia (Family: Sirenidae) Common Name: Lesser Siren
Chunky, short trunk, large head Dark with blue-white flecking on sides 10-11 costal grooves Fossorial burrower Statewide Wooded areas Ambystoma talpoideum (Family: Ambystomatidae) Common Name: Mole Salamander
Dorsal has white bars Otherwise black Black patch on crown Chunky 11-13 costal grooves Burrowers Autumn breeder Statewide except coast Woodland Ambystoma opacum (Family: Ambystomatidae) Common Name: Marbled Salamander
Mouth and head small and narrow Snout short 14-15 costal grooves Upper body covered in brownish patches Burrowers Statewide except coastal Forests Ambystoma texanum (Family: Ambystomatidae) Common Name: Small-mouthed Salamander
Dark with yellow round spots Belly is slate grey One tubercle or less on each palm 12 costal grooves Burrowers E LA Pine or mixed woodlands Ambystoma maculatum (Family: Ambystomatidae) Common Name: Spotted Salamander
Dark with irregular light blotches Belly is olive-yellow, except for middle (dark line) Two tubercles on each palm 12 costal grooves Burrowers Rare in LA Pine to mixed flatwoods Ambystoma tigrinum (Family: Ambystomatidae) Common Name: Tiger Salamander
In LA, red spots small or absent Yellow ventral No costal grooves Grainy skin Complex life cycle Statewide except salty areas Wetlands and forests Notophthalmus viridescens (Family: Salamandridae) Common Name: Eastern Newt
External gills maroon Four toes on hind feet On belly, there is an unspotted midvent region Aquatic, nocturnal, most active in winter N LA Lotic, clear, streams and rivers Necturus louisianensis (Family: Proteidae) Common Name: Red River Mudpuppy
Dark brown, profusely spotted with netlike pattern Underside spotted with no midvent stripe Four toes on hind feet Aquatic, nocturnal, active in winter E & W LA Lotic streams and rivers Necturus beyeri (Family: Proteidae) Gulf Coast Waterdog
2 Toes on each limb Dark dorsum and ventrum Aquatic, nocturnal E LA Any slow water Amphiuma means (Family: Amphiumidae) Common Name: Two-toed Amphiuma
3 toes on each limb Dark dorsum but light ventrum Dark throat patch Aquatic, nocturnal Statewide Slow/still water Amphiuma tridactylum (Family: Amphiumidae) Common Name: Three-toed Amphiuma


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