Reformation Chapter 3


FlashCards sobre Reformation Chapter 3 , criado por Nathan Ritz em 18-02-2020.
Nathan Ritz
FlashCards por Nathan Ritz, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Nathan Ritz
Criado por Nathan Ritz mais de 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Usury The charging of interest on loans.
Indulgence A pardon.
Heretic People who did not accept a religion’s teachings.
Individualism Favoring freedom of action for individuals instead of governmental or religious control.
Secularism Attitudes and activities that have no religious or spiritual basis.
Simony Buy positions as priests.
Penance A punishment such as saying many prayers.
Liturgy Form of service.
Martin Luther German priest and professor.
John Calvin Frenchman with his own ideas about Christianity.
King Henry VIII King of England from 1509-1547.
Cardinal Richelieu Helped change the focus of the Thirty Years’ War from a religious to a political conflict.
Queen Elizabeth Had Parliament declare her the head of the Church of England.
John Wycliffe An Englishman, and one of the earliest men to call for reform in the Church.
Jan Huss A Bohemian who openly questioned the corruption of the Catholic Church and attacked the corruption of the clergy.
Saint Ignatius of Loyola Founded the Jesuits.
Holy Roman Empire
The Black Death 1347 and 1350 killed a third of the population in Europe.
Which country's nobles resented the Pope's power England and Germany
Martin Luther's three ideas All faithful Christians are equal before God. The Bible is the ultimate authority for Christians and should be made available to everyone. The Catholic Church believed that only priests could read and interpret the Bible.
The 95 Theses The theses were primarily attacks on the selling of indulgences.
Predestination God already knew each persons fate.
What Henry VIII wanted To have a divorce with his wife because he thought she couldn't have kids anymore and he wanted a son.
Religion of Northern Europe Protestant.
Religion of Southern Europe Catholic.
The Hapsburg Dynasty Most of Germany was officially part of the Holy Roman Empire and was strongly Catholic.
The Thirty Years' War In 1618 this war broke out between the Holy Roman Empire and the Protestant German principalities.
The Spanish Armada England won against Spanish Armada 1588.
Huguenots French Calvinists.
The Edict of Nantes Made Catholicism the official religion but allowed Huguenots to worship freely and participate in politics.
The Council of Trent In the 1540s, reaffirming most Church doctrine and practices.
The Inquisition Famous for relying on torturein their investigations, and executing people by burning them at the stake.
The Society of Jesus Jesuits.
Languages the Bible was printed in English, French, and German.


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