How and why did the Nazi party come to power in 1933 - key terms


Key terms from the OCR Democracy and dictatorship topic
FlashCards por beccy.booster, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por beccy.booster mais de 9 anos atrás

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Unity of August 1914 The spirit that united Germany when war broke out in August 1914
Bourgeois Parties The middle-class political parties of Germany
Judiciary The German system of courts in which judges and magistrates administer justice on behalf of the state
Coup d'etat The overthrow of a government and the seizure of power illegally
Marinus van der Lubbe (1909-34) A member of the communist party and, later, an anarchist. Attempted to burn down buildings in Berlin to inspire revolt amongst the unemployed. Forced his way into the Reichstag on 27th Feb '33 and started a fire in the debating chamber.
November Parties The parties that formed the Weimar coalition- the first government of the Weimar republic in 1919: the SPD, Democratic Party and the Centre Party
Tariff duties Taxes on imports
Article 59 This gave members of the Reichstag the right to take legal action in the supreme court against any member of the government who violated the Reich constitution.
Moratorium A suspension of debt repayments
Customs Union An economic union between two countries which ensures that both can trade freely with each other without paying any customs' duties.
Inter Allied debts These were debts owed by France and Britain to the USA
Land parliaments The parliaments of the individual states (Lander) of Germany
Deflation A policy aimed at reducing the amount of money in circulation so as to stop prices rising
Reichsbanner The social democratic party's paramilitary force
Great coalition This consisted of the German social democratic party (SPD), the democratic party (DDP). the centre party (ZTR) and the German people's party (DVP)
Backbenchers Members of parliament who are not members of the cabinet and sit on the 'back benches' in the Reichstag
Battle cruiser A 'pocket' or small battleship
Sturmabteilung Nazi assault troops (Stormtroopers)
Investment This is money invested for profit in banks or businesses
Interest rates The amount or rate of interest paid at regular intervals for the loan of money


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