Flashcards: DHC-6-300 Speed & Weight Limitations


Flashcards: DHC-6-300 Speed & Weight Limitations
Rieul Gendron
FlashCards por Rieul Gendron, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Rieul Gendron
Criado por Rieul Gendron mais de 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Minimum control speed (VMC) flaps 10 64 KIAS
Best angle of climb speed (VX), flaps 0 87 KIAS
Best rate of climb speed (VY), flaps 0 100 KIAS
Best single-engine rate of climb speed (VYSE), flaps 10 80 KIAS
Maximum flaps extended speed (VFE) for flaps 10 103 KIAS
Maximum flaps extended speed (VFE) for GREATER THAN flaps 10 93 KIAS
Maximum operating speed (VMO) for the following altitudes: Sea level to 6,700 feet 166 KIAS
Maximum operating speed (VMO) for the following altitudes: 6,701 feet to 10,000 feet 156 KIAS
Maximum operating speed (VMO) for the following altitudes: 10,001 feet to 15,000 feet 141 KIAS
Maneuvring speed (VA) between sea level and 18,000 feet 132 KIAS
Gust penetration speed (VB) between sea level and 18,000 feet 132 KIAS
Maximum takeoff weight 12,500 lbs
Maximum landing weight 12,300 lbs
Maximum permissible baggage compartment load for the FORWARD baggage compartment 300 lbs
Maximum permissible baggage compartment load for the (entire) AFT baggage compartment 500 lbs
Maximum weight on the EXTENSION SHELF in the aft baggage compartment 150 lbs
TRUE or FALSE? The maximum permissible baggage compartment load for the lower portion of the aft baggage compartment (i.e., the area NOT on the shelf) is 350 lbs. FALSE. See POH 2.8.3 The total limit for the aft baggage compartment is 500 lbs. The shelf limit is 150 lbs. However, there is no limit for the lower portion of the aft baggage compartment, so you could have, for example, 400 lbs on the lower portion and 0 pounds on the shelf.
Maximum permissible floor loading value for the forward and rear baggage compartments 100 lbs per square foot
Maximum permissible floor loading value for the cabin 200 lbs per square foot
At the maximum permitted weight during the phase of flight described, what is the airspeed? VYSE Engine Failure after Take-off, Flaps at 10 degrees 80 KIAS
At the maximum permitted weight during the phase of flight described, what is the airspeed? VSO Stall speed, landing configuration (Flaps 37.5 degrees) 56 KIAS
At the maximum permitted weight during the phase of flight described, what is the airspeed? VS1 Stall speed, take-off configuration (Flaps 10 degrees) 66 KIAS
At the maximum permitted weight during the phase of flight described, what is the airspeed? VS Stall speed, flaps up 73 KIAS
Glide Speed (both propellers feathered) for best RANGE 100 KIAS
Glide Speed (both propellers feathered) for best ENDURANCE 77 KIAS


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