Chapter 6 KEY TERMS


Area of Responsibility VI Serve as a Health Education/Promotion Resource Person
Sara Panczyk
FlashCards por Sara Panczyk, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Sara Panczyk
Criado por Sara Panczyk quase 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Adaptation making changes to health education messages, materials, or programs to make them more suitable for a priority population
Consultation process by which the knowledge of one person is used to help another make better decisions
Informal Consulting DOES NOT require a written agreement of formal contract. Acting as a resource person responsible for organizing health education materials and responding to requests for health education information and materials
Formal Consulting REQUIRES a contract or written agreement between two parties. Client needs assistance, advice, direction, etc. Follows the steps of diagnosis, recommendation, action, evaluation, and termination.
Evidence-based Public Health application of observation-theory, and science0based experiments (evidence) to improve the health of populations
Online database any systematically organized information accessible on the Internet. May be used by health education specialists to obtain health knowledge and/or resources for health education process.
Technical Assistance dynamic, capacity building process for designing or improving the quality, effectiveness, and efficiency of specific programs, research, services, products, or systems


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