Societal impact


FlashCards sobre Societal impact, criado por Aparna Dhirde em 19-03-2020.
Aparna Dhirde
FlashCards por Aparna Dhirde, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Aparna Dhirde
Criado por Aparna Dhirde mais de 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Digital footprint Digital footprint is the trail of data we leave behind when we visit any website (or use any online application or portal) to fill-in data or perform any transaction.
A user of digital technology needs to follow certain etiquettes net-etiquettes, communicationetiquettes and social media-etiquettes.
Net-etiquette Net-etiquette includes avoiding copyright violations, respecting privacy and diversity of users, and avoiding cyber bullies and cyber trolls, besides sharing of expertise.
Communication-etiquette Communication-etiquette requires us to be precise and polite in our conversation so that we remain credible through our remarks and comments.
While using social media needs to take care of security through password, be aware of fake information and be careful while befriending unknowns. Care must be taken while sharing anything on social media as it may create havoc if being mishandled, particularly our personal, sensitive information.
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) help in data protection through copyrights, patents and trademarks. There are both ethical and legal aspects of violating IPR.
Free and Open Source Software available for free public access and allow users to not only access but also to modify (or improve) them.
Cyber crimes Cyber crimes include various criminal activities carried out to steal data or to break down important services. These include hacking, spreading viruses or malware, sending phishing or fraudulent emails, ransomware, etc.
Examples of Cyber crimes plagiarism, copyright infringement and trademark infringement.
Active digital footprints Active digital footprints which includes data that we intentionally submit online
Passive digital footprint A "passive digital footprint" is a data trail you unintentionally leave online
Cyber bullying Cyber bullying is the harassment or bullying executed through digital devices like computers, laptops, smartphones, and tablets.
Internet troll a person who deliberately sows discord on the Internet by starting quarrels or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory or off topic messages in an online community, just for amusement.
Sensitive data Elements of data that can cause substantial harm, embarrassment, inconvenience and unfairness to anindividual, if breached or compromised, is called sensitive data
Copyright Copyright grants legal rights to creators for their original works like writing, photograph, audio recordings, video, sculptures, architectural works, computer software, and other creative works like literary and artistic work
Patent A patent is usually granted for inventions
Trademark Trademark includes any visual symbol, word, name, design, slogan, label, etc., that distinguishes the brand or commercial enterprise, from other brands or commercial enterprises
Plagiarism It refers to using some other person's ideas and information without acknowledging that specific person as the source.
Copyright infringement Copyright infringement is when we use other person’s work without obtaining their permission to use or we have not paid for it, if it is being sold.
Trademark Infringement Trademark Infringement means unauthorised use of other’s trademark on products and services.
Proprietary software that we use are sold commercially and their program code (source code) are not shared or distributed. However, there are certain software available freely for anyone and their source code is also open for anyone to access, modify, correct and improve.
Software piracy Software piracy is the unauthorised use or distribution of software.
Computer virus A computer virus is some lines of malicious code that can copy itself and can have detrimental effect on the computers, by destroying data or corrupting the system
Malware Malware is a software designed to specifically gain unauthorised access to computer systems
Hacking Hacking is the act of unauthorised access to a computer, computer network or any digital system
Ethical hacking Hacking, when done with a positive intent, is called ethical hacking
White hat hackers specialists in exploring any vulnerability or loophole during testing of the software
Non-ethical hacker or Black hat hackers A non-ethical hacker is the one who tries to gain unauthorised access to computers or networks in order to steal sensitive data with the intent to damage or bring down systems. They are called black hat hackers or crackers.
Phishing  Phishing is a cybercrime in which a target or targets are contacted by email, telephone or text message by someone posing as a legitimate institution to lure individuals into providing sensitive data such as personally identifiable information, banking and credit card details, and passwords.
Identity Theft It uses personal information stolen from computers or computer networks to commit fraud by using the data gained unlawfully
Ransomware This is another kind of cyber crime where the attacker gains access to the computer and blocks the user from accessing, usually by encrypting the data.
Digital signatures Digital signatures are the digital equivalent of a paper certificate.


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