Art History Midterm


art history notes artist title genre year location and the occasional comment
Bailey Snider
FlashCards por Bailey Snider, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Bailey Snider
Criado por Bailey Snider mais de 9 anos atrás

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Master of Flémalle Mérode altarpiece (triptych of the annunciation) Painting oil on wood 1425-1430 metropolitan museum of art New York common household objects represent religious meaning.
Jan and Hubert van Eyck Ghent altarpiece: open adoration of the mystic lamb Painting oil on panel 1432 cathedral of st. bavo
Jan and Hubert van Eyck ghent altarpiece: closed (Annunciation with donors) Painting oil on panel 1432 Cathedral st. bavo
Martin Schongauer Temptation of St Anthony Printmaking Engraving 1480-1490 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Swirling vortex intensifies horror
Filippo Brunelleschi Dome of Florence Cathedral Architecture pointed arch sandstone flying buttresses 1420-1436 Florence invented structural system reinforced layer by layer
Filippo Brunelleschi sacrifice of Isaac Sculpture bronze 1401-1402 museo nazionale del Bargello, Florence competition to design duomo
Lorenzo Ghiberti Sacrifice of Isaac Sculpture Bronze with gilding 1401-1402 Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence competition to build the duomo
Donatello David sculpture bronze 1446-1460 Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence medici palace orig. heighten heroism of child in contrast to appearance
Lorenzo Ghiberti Gates of Paradise Sculpture Gilded Bronze 1425-1452 Baptistery of San Giovanni, Florence Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Florence difference between foreground and background separation of setting and events
Ghiberti Jacob and Esau coherent and measurable space peopled by graceful idealized figures
Masaccio Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise Painting Fresco Brancacci Chapel, Florence 1427 psychological impact of shame
Masaccio The Tribute Money painting fresco 1427 Brancacci Chapel, Florence linear and atmospheric perspective interaction natural world and architecture
Fra Angelico Annunciation painting Fresco 1438-1445 North corridor monastery of San Marco, Florence
Paolo Uccello Battle of San Romano painting tempera on wood panel 1438-1440 National Gallery, London perspective
Sandro Botticelli Birth of Venus painting tempera and gold on canvas 1484-1486 Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence spatial illusion and linear perspective
Piero della Francesca Battista Sforza (R) and Fredrico Da Montefeltro (L) Painting Oil on Wood Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence
Andrea Mantegna Two Views of the Camera Picta painting fresco 1465-1474 Ducal palace, Mantua perspective change in the way to view the world looking outside yourself
Cimabue Virgin and Child enthroned painting tempera and gold on wood 1280 high alter of church of sta. trinita, Florence
Giotto di Bondone Scrovegini (Arena) Chapel painting fresco 1305-1306 padua
Jan van Eyck Double Portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini and his wife painting oil on wood panel 1434 national gallery, london
rogier van der weyden Deposition painting oil on wood 1435-1438? Museo nacional del prado, madrid
Hugo van der Goes portinari altarpiece (open) painting tempera and oil on wood 1474-1476 Uffizi gallery, Florence
Masaccio Trinity with the virgin, St. John the evangelist, and donors painting fresco 1425-1428 Church of Sta. Maria Novella, Florence
Donatello equestrian monument of Erasmo da narni (gattamelata) sculpture Bronze 1443-1453 Piazza del Santo, Padua
Filippo Brunelleschi Nave, Church of San Lorenzo Architecture 1442-1470 Florence
Giuliano da Maiano Studiolo of Fredrico da montefel tro Architecture Sculpture 1476 ducal palace, Urbino
Raphael Stanza Della Segnatura painting fresco 1510-1511 vatican rome contrast of poetry and muses w/ scientific thought
Leonardo da Vinci Vitruvian Man drawing ink 1490 galleria dell'accademia venice
Leonardo da Vinci Last Supper painting Fresco 1495-1498 refectory monastary sta. maria della Grazie, Milan
Leonado de Vinci Mona Lisa painting oil on wood 1503-1507 Musee du Louvre Paris
Raphael Philosophy or School of Athens painting fresco 1510-1511 vatican rome
Michelangelo Pieta sculpture marble 1500 st. peters vatican, rome
Michelangelo David sculpture marble 1501-1504 galleria dell'Accademia facial expression prep for battle
Vatican Rome ceiling Michelangelo creation of Adam creation to moses 1508-1512 ceiling Wall fresco life of moses and christ
Michelangelo Last judgment painting fresco 1536-1541 sistine chapel vatican
Giacomo della porta St. Peters basilica architetture 1546-1564 vatican rome
Nikolaus Hagenauer and Matthias Grünewald Isenheim altarpiece sculpture painting gilt limewoodoil on panel 1500-1515 Musee d'Unterlinden, colmar france
Albrecht Dürerself portrait painting oil on wood panel 1500 Alte Pinakothek, Munich
Albrecht Dürer Adam and Eve "the fall" print engraving 1504 Philadelphia museum of art actually just moments before fall
Albrecht Dürer Four Apostles painting oil on wood panel 1526 alte pinakothek, Munich st. peter seems to shrink behind st. john martin luther's favorite
Hans Holbein the younger the French Ambassadors painting oil on wood panel 1533 the national gallery London illusion based on viewer perspective
Peter Bruegel the elder Return of the Hunters painting oil on wood panel 1565 Kunsthistorisches museum, Vienna
Caterina van hHemessen Self Portrait painting oil on wood panel 1548 Offenctiche kunstsammlug basel switzerland
El Greco Burial of count Orgaz painting oil on canvas 1586 church of santo tomé, toledo spain


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